People who adore both chocolate and coffee will be so happy you introduced them to Mocha Crunch from Wiseman House Chocolates (details below).
December 2006
Stocking Stuffers
Gifts For $10 Or Less, For Any Time Of The Year
If you need something small, wonderful and no more than $10.00 (give or take 50¢), here’s our list. We’ve checked it twice: Delicious, delicious! There are sweets, savories and even the non-caloric (a book).
Cary’s Of Oregon:
Trail Toffee
Cary’s reinvents trail mix as a wonderful combination of dried cranberries, raisins, toasted almonds and their delightful toffee. We eat it as trail mix, yes, but we also sprinkle it on ice cream, cupcakes, and everything else. In convenient, stocking stuffer-size bags. Read our full review.
Chocolat Moderne Bistro Bars
We are so addicted to these filled chocolate bars, they are our favorite stocking stuffers year after year. A dozen flavors including soft caramels (grapefruit, poire william, Illy espresso), silky truffles (habañero pepper, single malt Scotch) and crunchy pralines (hazelnut, pistachio, pumpkin seed). Available individually or in ribbon-tied assortments. |
Lillie Belle Farms Toffees
These special chocolate-covered toffees prove that great things come in small packages. In Cocoa Nib, Macadamia Nut, Pistachio, Spicy Pecan (shown in photo at left, and our founder’s favorite). Read our full review. |
The Murray's Cheese Handbook
There are hundreds of cheeses in America: cow, goat, sheep, water buffalo, yak (well, a few). The folks at Murray’s, one of the country’s top cheese stores, explain it all for you and package the information in this pocket-size paperback with details on the 100 cheeses you’re most likely to encounter. When facing a cheese case, instead of being perplexed, you can look it up 1-2-3. Everything is indexed in any way you might want to find it, including wine pairings. Read our complete book review.
Nutty Girl Nut Mixes
How tasty is Nutty Girl’s Nut Mix? We practically inhaled our six-ounce box of these fabulous nuts mixed with spices and fresh herbs, and picked up the phone to order more. Don’t let the graphics throw you: any guy who likes to snack will want an introduction to this Nutty Girl.
- Nutty Girl Nut Mixes
Six-Ounce Box, $9.50
Twelve-Ounce Box, $18.50 |

Wiseman House Chocolates:
Mocha Crunch
For the chocolate-lover who’s also crazy about coffee, these diamond-shaped pieces of semisweet chocolate are studded with tiny bits of roasted coffee beans. Truly addictive, they are a very special treat—with a cup of coffee or by themselves. The small size (about that of a tasting square) affords a little treat a few times a day without breaking the calorie bank.
- Mocha Crunch
12-Ounce Bag
$10.50 |
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