Antipodes is naturally carbonated and rich in minerals.
KAREN HOCHMAN is Editorial Director of THE NIBBLE.
November 2006
Antipodes Spring Water
An Award-Winner From New Zealand
CAPSULE REPORT: Antipodes is one of the new kids on the block, but it’s a water with pizzazz. With very low Total Dissolved Solids, the clean, crisp flavor is available in still or softly beaded sparkling water. As you can see from the photo at the left, it’s bottled in an elegant container that makes it suitable for gift-giving.
Looking for something impressive for the holiday season? A stunning liter of Antipodes spring water on the table will be a sure conversation-starter.
The water has only been marketed since 2003, when the company founder, a restaurateur, questioned why he was selling waters imported all the way from Europe. He knew that there must be a good source in New Zealand, invested time and research, and discovered the source of Antipodes. Rather than copy European bottles, he sought something more contemporary, stylish and reflective of contemporary New Zealand (the bottle is a modern take on the old-fashioned New Zealand beer flagon). The water was embraced by his countrymen as enthusiastically as New Zealand wines.
The Antipodes are a group of rocky islands of the southern Pacific Ocean southeast of New Zealand*, so named because they are diametrically opposite the globe from Greenwich, England. Antipodes artesian water, not exactly within shouting distance of the islands, but in diametric opposition to Europe’s bottled waters, is bottled at the source in Otakiri, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand (red area on map). The water comes from a 1000-foot deep pressured aquifer and spends about 50 years filtering through a substrata of ignimbrite, a fine-grained volcanic rock. The surrounding Rotoma Hills area has a population density of less than one person per 250 acres, with no commercial or industrial activity: the source and its environment are extremely pure and clean.
*The Antipode Islands are off the map, approximately where the word “International” is underlined in the next paragraph.
A limited supply of Antipodes has been available in the U.S. only for the past year. The water is sold in its natural still form and in a very soft, beaded sparkling water. This year, the sparkling water won the gold medal at the Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting in West Virginia. The gold medal for package design went to another New Zealand water, Waiwera Infinity Artesian Water. Watch out, Europe!
Antipodes Water Company
Origin |
Otakiri, Whakatane, Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand
Type |
Still and Naturally Lightly Carbonated |
mg/l |
TDS* |
120.0 |
pH Factor |
6.9 |
Calcium |
3 |
Chlorides |
ND |
Bicarbonate |
37 |
Hardness |
15 |
Magnesium |
ND |
Nitrate |
1 |
Potassium |
3.5 |
Sodium |
12 |
Sulphates |
3 |
*TDS = Total Dissolved Solids
†ND = Non-Detectable
Still and Sparkling
- 1 Liter (1000 ml) Bottles
12-Bottle Case
- 500 ml Bottles
24-Bottle Case
Purchase online at AquaBar.ws
Prices and product availability are verified at publication but are subject to change. Shipping is additional. |

