According to legend, tortellini were made in the shape of Venus’ navel. Photo by B.A. Van Sise | THE NIBBLE.
KAREN HOCHMAN is Editorial Director of THE NIBBLE.
April 2007
Last Updated February 2012
Putney Pasta
Page 2: Tortellini
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The five varieties of tortellini are not as exciting as the ravioli—but then, in our office poll, no one has ever chosen tortellini over ravioli as a pasta course. Tortellini are more compact, drier, and lend themselves to broth and other soups, pasta salad and as an hors d’oeuvre for dipping.
Due to the nature of the beast (less room for flavorful stuffing), the Putney Pasta tortellini are not as flavor-forward as the ravioli: Whereas the ravioli were so flavorful they didn’t require sauce—just a dab of butter or oil—the tortellini needed sauce to add dimension. We polished them off, of course, but will spend our money on the ravioli.
They’re available in Cheese; Mushroom & Gruyere; Spinach, Mozzarella & Walnut; Sun-dried Tomato; and Tri-color Cheese.
The History Of Tortellini
Tortellini originated in Bologna and is accompanied by a legend: When the goddess Venus stayed in a tavern on the outskirts of the city, the innkeeper spied on her through the keyhole of her room, but could catch only a glimpse of her navel. Spellbound, he went to the kitchen and, to capture this vision, shaped fresh egg pasta into the navel-shaped tortellini.
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All-Natural Frozen Ravioli and Tortellini
- 9-Ounce Package
- 16-Ounce Package
Available at fine food stores nationwide including Earthfare,Farm Fresh, Food Lion, Hannaford, Price Chopper, Ukrops, Wegmans, Whole Foods, Wild Oats. Check the store locator on the website for the location closest to you.

Red and white striped Quattro Formaggio Ravioli and Butternut Squash Ravioli flank their tortellini cousins.
Prices and product availability are verified at publication but are subject to change.
Lifestyle Direct, Inc. All rights reserved. Images are the copyright of their individual owners.
