A yogurt lover’s dream: thick water buffalo yogurt from The Woodstock Water Buffalo Company is richer and sweeter than yogurt from cow, sheep or goat milk. And it’s much easier to digest. Photo by Katrina Brown | IST.
ROWANN GILMAN is a Contributing Editor.
August 2008
Bufala Di Vermont Water Buffalo Yogurt
Page 2: Flavors Of Yogurt
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Bufala Di Vermont Yogurt
This is the ur-yogurt: dreamy, creamy and thick enough that a spoon can stand up in it (it’s the consistency of panna cotta). Along the same lines, this yogurt doesn’t taste like yogurt, but like pudding—you can easily serve it for dessert. That’s because “the girls” produce sweet, extremely thick milk—it’s really more like half & half—that yields ultra-rich flavor. |

Buffalo girls, won’t you come out tonight? |
Both the thickness and flavor are due to the milk’s high fat content and total solids: more solids mean less water, so unlike the soupy supermarket yogurts you’re used to eating, spooning this up is more like enjoying that lovely serving of panna cotta or pudding.
No preservatives or thickeners are used to make this Swiss-style yogurt, only probiotic acidophilus cultures—the ones that help maintain intestinal health. (The live active cultures include S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, Bifidobacteria and L. casei. Learn more about cultures in our Probiotic Glossary.) The dairy uses all-natural flavorings—many of them locally made—in its flavored yogurts.
The first thing you notice as you peel back the foil top of the plain yogurt, is that this yogurt is pristine white. That’s because water buffalo process the beta carotene they absorb from grazing into vitamin A, eliminating any coloration. But beyond its startling good looks, water buffalo milk yogurt boasts an even more valuable nutrition profile than the cow’s milk variety: It has 58% more calcium, 40% more protein and 43% less cholesterol. In addition, it contains high levels of tocopherol, a naturally occurring antioxidant.
In addition to 5g of protein per cup, Bufala di Vermont yogurt is a great source of calcium, B vitamins and probiotic cultures.

All product photography by Emily Chang | THE NIBBLE. |
Lactose Intolerance
Water buffalo’s milk is also more digestible for people who are lactose intolerant. The yogurt culturing process metabolizes the majority of the lactose in the milk, so less remains in the finished yogurt. The probiotic cultures act like the body’s naturally occurring lactase, which is missing in lactose-intolerant people.
Flavors Of Bufala Di Vermont Yogurt
You’ll find none of the chalky texture or tangy undertaste that deter many yogurt eaters from this optimal source of calcium and other nutritional benefits.
- Plain Yogurt. The Plain yogurt is the sweetest plain yogurt you will ever taste—quite amazing. Add some no-cal sweetener, and you have a 120-calorie “panna cotta.” Straight, it is celestial atop a baked potato.
- Flavored Yogurt. Blueberry, Maple and Raspberry are elegant enough to be served as dessert—and few will guess it is yogurt. The Maple could use a bit more maple flavor, in our opinion—the flavor is very delicate, but lovely nevertheless.
The yogurt is absolutely delicious on its own, but we recently tried the Maple and Blueberry flavors as toppings on a Pear-Maple Crisp with deliriously satisfying results.
So make a note in your dairy diary: Try Bufala di Vermont Yogurt. And if you’re in the neighborhood (Vermont), stop by the creamery to have a look at an actual hairy but girly water buffalo, and watch yogurt and cheese being made.
Go To Page 1: Bufala Di Vermont Overview
Artisanal Yogurts In Blueberry, Maple, Plain and Raspberry
- 6-Ounce Cup
Suggested Retail Price
Purchase online* at BufalaDiVermont.com
*Prices and product availability are verified at publication but are subject to change. Shipping is additional. These items are offered by a third party and THE NIBBLE has no relationship with them. This link to purchase is provided as a reader convenience. |

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