Rachel’s probiotic yogurt is a healthy choice for breakfast, lunch or snacks. It’s so elegant, you can serve it as a casual dessert. Shown above: Plum Honey Lavender. Photo by Susan Fox | IST.
KAREN HOCHMAN is Editorial Director of THE NIBBLE.
March 2008
Updated March 2009
Rachel’s Wickedly Delicious Yogurt
Page 3: Probiotic Yogurt In “Essence” Flavors
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Flavors Of Rachel’s Yogurt
We really like these yogurts, but first, more beef. Would that the company had just presented us simply with 12 delicious flavors of yogurt. Instead, it has chosen to divide the flavors into two “lines,” the Essence Line and the Exotics Line. Both have the same ingredients and nutrition; the only difference is so arcane as to make no sense to the consumer. But Rachel’s is telling you that kiwi, guava, mango and pomegranate are “exotic”; while the familiar berry, peach and plum are combined with herb flavors to create “inspirational” essences. Hmm. We just want to eat a great yogurt!

One of our favorite flavors. But do we call it
“Glow” or “Berry Jasmine?” The dual
nomenclature did not charm our group of
If that’s not enough, there’s inconsistency in the nomenclature. Pomegranate Açaí and Vanilla Chai, which sound pretty exotic to us, are in the Essence Line. And Cherry Black Currant, in the Exotic Line, hardly sounds exotic to us. Everyone tripped over the dual-nomenclature system of the Essence line, as you’ll note in the photo at the left. If we ask for them at the store, do we want “Glow” or “Berry Jasmine?” This New Age spa concept—naming yogurts Calm, Relax, Revive, etc.—does come from the U.K. It works in a situation like Airforce Nutrisoda, which is a functional food that actually has legitimate ingredients that do calm you, energize you, etc.
Questionable marketing decisions notwithstanding, at least the folks in product development have made these yogurts taste good. Let’s step away from the confusion and taste some yogurt.
Essence Yogurt Line
This line claims these are “blissful blends custom-crafted to suit your mood,” and promises that “inspiration awaits.” What does await are some lovely flavors, off the beaten track. While the flavors add secondary notes, except for the Vanilla Chai, where the chai is the main event, the notes were not evident—but no complaints. The prevailing flavors were, for the most part, excellent, and the quality of the yogurt caresses the palate.
- Calm ~ Plum Honey Lavender Yogurt. There’s no particular evidence of honey or lavender, but the delightful plumminess is its own reward. A favorite.
- Glow ~ Berry Jasmine Yogurt. Those who want their classic berry yogurt will find it here, a rich, full-flavored blend of raspberry and blackberry. No jasmine flavor was detected; one would need a lot of it to overcome the strong berry favors. A lovely lavender color, and a favorite.
- Refresh ~ Pink Grapefruit Lychee Yogurt. We love both grapefruit and lychee, so were disappointed by this flavor. Tasted on three different occasions, it offers a pleasant creaminess and a slightly pink-tinged yogurt. But there’s only the slightest hint of grapefruit, and lychee, a very delicate flavor to begin with, doesn’t have a chance.
- Relax ~ Vanilla Chai Yogurt. This flavor is a delight, and the standout of the line. An ecru color with specks of spice and a subtle chai flavor that leaves the vanilla behind, chai lovers will be very happy that the company got this flavor right.
- Revive ~ Peach Green Tea Yogurt. It’s peachy...it’s even orangey. Maybe there’s some green tea in there. Overall, a pretty flavor.

We cheer for Vanilla Chai—or should we be
rooting for Relax?
- Vitality ~ Pomegranate Açaí Yogurt. Pomegranate makes a great juice and sorbet, but in our experience, doesn’t assert itself as well in other foods. This flavor is pleasant, but not a favorite. It does contain actual pomegranate juice and açaí, but don’t bet on how much antioxidant value there is in a cup of yogurt—or any other food other than the fruit itself or its juice. (Rule of thumb: Don’t believe any antioxidant claims until the FDA releases guidelines and manufacturers add antioxidant units to their nutrition labels. Until then, think of everything as an unsubstantiated buzzword.)
To sum up our personal favorites from this group (in fact, from the entire line): Berry Jasmine, Plum Honey Lavender and Vanilla Chai.
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