Gayle's Miracles
Bite into a 30-calorie Miracle. How “not guilty” is that (as long as you don’t eat the whole box).



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ROWANN GILMAN is a Contributing Editor of THE NIBBLE.



April 2005

Product Reviews / Diet Nibbles / Diet Candy

Gayle’s Miracles

“Perfect” Chocolate Truffles


Miracles do happen.

What if you were trying to lose weight while fighting your chocolate addiction tooth and nail, when presto!, someone came along and said you could nibble on chocolate truffles without lashing yourself silly about having no self-control?  It would be a miracle, right? 

In this case, they’re Gayle’s Miracles Perfect Chocolate Truffles—truffles that have a sweet 90 percent less fat and 80 percent fewer calories than regular truffles—and that are right up there on the taste scale with those higher fat chocolate orbs. Each yummy Miracle weighs in at a mere 30 calories, a single gram of fat and 6 grams of carbs. And they’re all-natural and Kosher.

Gayle's Miracles Diet Chocolate TrufflesAvailable in three tempting chocolate versions, Gayle’s Miracles Perfect Chocolate Truffles are rich and creamy on the tongue while managing not to be cloyingly sweet, and without that naggy sugar substitute aftertaste. You get all the complex chocolate flavor and satisfying texture of higher-fat, higher-priced truffles, yet you can enjoy them guilt-free. How does Gayle’s do it?

Gayle Reichler, MS, RD,  the chef and nutritionist behind the Active Wellness Program and founder of Wellness, Inc., (you’ve seen her on The View and The Ricki Lake Show, among other appearances) has made it her mission to translate her nutritional expertise into a healthy lifestyle that’s easy to personalize and adapt to.  “There are many desserts out in the marketplace that are low-fat in the categories of ice cream and cookies, etc., but none that are in the gourmet truffle or indulgent chocolate category,” she says. 

Reichler is able to use just the right amount of high quality Belgian cocoa combined with a cooking technique that results in the truffles’ highly creamy texture and deep chocolate flavor. There are no artificial sweeteners: it is an all-natural product using reduced amounts of sugar and honey to achieve the flavor. It took two years of trial and error as well as hand-in-hand experimentation with a food technologist before creating the ideal truffle, one that’s possessed of both taste and nutritional integrity. Now they’re handmade fresh every week for you to order up and indulge in.  No fooling.

FORWARD THIS NIBBLE to anyone looking for a low-calorie treat. Use the link on the right side of the navigation bar at the top of the page.


Milk Chocolate, Dark
Chocolate, Dark
Chocolate Mint

Certified Kosher (D) by the
Orthodox Union

  • 16-Piece Gift Box
  • 5-Ounce Boutique Bag
    (About 13 Pieces)
  • 3-ounce Snack Bag
    (About 7 Pieces)
  • Bulk
    (About 126 Individually
    Wrapped Pieces)

Gayle's Miracles Product Group
Gayle’s Miracles: in boxes for gift-giving, or bags for personal

Holiday and Valentine’s Day packaging are available.

Purchase online at

Or telephone 1.800.572.4139

Prices and product availability are verified at publication but are subject to change.


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