We always celebrate National Cupcake Day, December 15, with several boxes of these most-definitely-celebratory cupcakes from Let Them Eat Cake in New York City.
December 2005
Last Updated February 2025
National Food Holidays: December
How Many Ways Can You Spell O-v-e-r-l-o-a-d?
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It’s the end of a wonderful year of national food holidays. In addition to holiday celebrations with family, friends, and neighbors; workplace parties; New Year’s Eve; holiday baking; and all of those food gifts you receive; there are these important national food holidays that are...almost obligatory.
If ever there were a month with “a round-up of the usual suspects,” December is it: candy canes, date nut bread, egg nog, fruit cake, maple syrup, pumpkin pie, pfeffernusse, suckling pig, even hard candy, a traditional stocking-stuffer. And kiwi fruit is at least seasonally green. But National Cotton Candy Day seems like it belongs in the summer, with fairs and amusement parks...and Eat A Red Apple Day seems like it missed the boat by a couple of months. Still: Celebrate your heart out!

Celebrate National Cocoa Day, December 12, by treating yourself to a cup (photo © McCormick. |
End the year with one of our favorite libations: Dom Pérignon. How convenient that December 31st, New Year’s Eve, falls on National Champagne Day! |
*January 31st is National Hot Chocolate Day.
†National Bacon Lovers Day is August 20th. International Bacon Day is the Saturday before Labor Day. National Bacon Day is December 30th.
‡Because there is no National Radish Day or Month, we substitute Night of the Radishes, Noche de Rábanos, an annual event held on December 23rd in Oaxaca, Mexico, dedicated to the carving of oversized radishes to create scenes that compete for prizes in various categories. Here’s more about it.