There’s no way to celebrate National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, May 15, other than with a box of Ruby et Violette cookies.
May 2005
Last Updated March 2025
May Food Holidays
You Don’t Have To Wait For The Big Barbecue Weekend~There Are Celebrations Every Day Of The Month!
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May is verdant, May is exciting, May is filled with fun food holidays:

May 10 is National Shrimp Day. We served these tasty crustaceans with LuLu’s Saffron Aioli. Photo by Ryan Pike.
* National Chocolate Parfait Day is May 1st. National Parfait Day is November 25th.
**May is National Hamburger Month, National Hamburger Week is the second week of May, and May 28 is National Hamburger Day.

End the month by celebrating National Macaroon Day. These lovelies are the French version, macarons, from Mad Mac Macarons, a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week. |
***This holiday celebrates the artisan cheeses made by American cheesemakers, not the processed product called American cheese. It was formerly held in October but was changed by the American Cheese Foundation to align with the arrival of spring cheeses.
****International Whiskey Day is March 27th.
*****International No Diet Day (also known as National No Diet Day or No Diet Day) is an annual celebration of the importance of body acceptance, diversity, and respect for all body shapes and sizes. So eat what you usually eat!
†There’s National Blondie Day on January 22nd. Blondie is another name for Butterscotch Blondie. Here’s the scoop.
††National Caesar Day is celebrated in Victoria, British Columbia, and across Canada on the Thursday before Victoria Day Weekend. Victoria Day is a federal Canadian public holiday celebrated on the last Monday preceding May 25, Queen Victoria’s birthday, the next to last Monday in May, which will fall between the 18th and the 24th.
†††May 5th is National Hoagie Day. November 4th is National Submarine Sandwich Day. And someone decided that we needed a National Eat A Hoagie Day on September 14th and Submarine-Hoagie-Grinder Day on October 9th.
††††Fakesgiving celebrated the fact that family and friends can get together for a special dinner and be thankful at any random time.
‡Some sources list March 22 as National Coq Au Vin Day. It may be a locally declared holiday rather than a national one. We’ve double-listed it in March.
‡‡There are two types of truffles. The original is the highly expensive fungus related to the mushroom. Chocolate truffles are named after them.
†††World Tuna Day was established to promote more sustainable fishing practices.
††††National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day is August 4th.
‡‡‡‡‡National Beer Day is April 7th. American Craft Beer Week is the third week in May. National IPA Day is the first Thursday in August. International Beer Day is the first Friday in August. American Beer Day is October 27th. Here are more beer holidays.