And on her farm she baked the cookies ...
ee i ee i o! A barnyard of tasty delights by Eleni.
February 2005
Gifts For Animal Lovers
So Delicious, You Wish You Could Share With Your Animal Friends
If you need gifts for animal lovers who also love food, start here. Just remember: this sugar’s too good to feed to the horse! Categories include:
You can click through to the manufacturer’s website to order them directly. They are presented in alphabetical order. In most cases, shipping is additional.
Please note: Prices and availability are verified at publication but are subject to change. While we do our best to keep this information updated, it’s a huge task. If you find updated information before we do, please click here to give us the 411.
- Divine Delights has petit fours Critters—pigs, moose, frogs, cars, chicks and bunnies—and “Mice-A-Fours” to brighten up a party for an animal lover—or for him or her to enjoy alone with a carton of milk (Critters, $32.95 per dozen, Mice-A-Fours, $19.75 for 6)
Critters |
Mice-A-Fours |
- Eleni’s Cookies in assortments like circus animals, farm animals (top left) poodles, and tropical fish (at right). Each cookies is $6 to $10 with a minimum order of 12—click here for our review.
- Fancypants Bakery makes several animal shortbread cookie lines that are sure to delight any child who loves dinosaurs, farm animals, frogs or zoo animals. The cookies can be made with optional chocolate chips, oatmeal or molasses (4"cookies are available in gift sizes of 6, 9 or 12 cookies). Check out our review.
The Safari Collection |
The Barnyard Collection |
- L.A. Burdick makes almost-too-cute-to-eat chocolate mice and penguins year-round, plus bunnies from just after Valentine’s Day through Easter (9 mice or penguins in a wooden box, $24, 16 pieces, $40)
Penguins |
Mice |
- Bissingers solid dark and milk chocolate butterflies, with one special white butterfly included in the box (25 pieces, $28)
- Chocolat Céleste’s delicious bittersweet chocolate ganache bonbons are stenciled with a charming Bichon Frisé (4 pieces, $12)
Chocolat Céleste Bichon Frisé Bonbons |
Bissingers Butterflies |
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