No twisting, no button to push: Just hold this beauty vertically and it grinds sea salt and peppercorns automatically. We love our battery-operated William Bounds Baton Dual Salt & Pepper Mill.
December 2008
Kitchen Gifts 2008
Our Favorite Housewares & Gadgets
Your friends and family members will love these useful gifts. Don’t see something you like? Check our Gift Finder for gift ideas in other categories.
Products listed in alphabetical order Prices and product availability are verified at publication but are subject to change.
Tassimo Hot Beverage System
The new and improved Tassimo machine is like having a coffee bar and barista in your kitchen. In 60 seconds you can have freshly brewed coffee and espresso, latte, cappuccino, tea and hot chocolate. A built-in water filter filters your tap water before brewing your hot beverage. With more than 10 different brands of coffee (we use four different varieties from Starbucks alone), Twinings Earl Grey tea and other favorites, this no muss, no muss, quick-as-a-wink single-cup system is the answer to many a prayer.
- Tassimo Hot Beverage System
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Food For Thought:
Trivia Challenge
Food For Thought Trivia Challenge is unique in its focus on food—not as we eat it, but as a major part of our language and culture. Food is always the answer to the questions about a wide variety of subjects including our idioms and expressions, people, movies, literature, sports and much more. It’s a sure recipe to stir up your mind and whet your appetite for fun. A great gift for a family or for friends who love Trivial Pursuit and other games.
- Food For Thought Trivia Challenge
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Anti-Fatigue Mat
Millions of people experience foot and back pain from standing on hard, unforgiving kitchen flooring for extended periods of time. GelPro has solved this problem with a line of stylish, ergonomic anti-fatigue floor mats filled with a soft, shock-absorbing gel. GelPro mats come in a variety of patterns, colors and sizes, to match any room or decor. We especially like the snazzy crocodile and ostrich textures and basket weave patterns.
- GelPro Anti-Fatigue Mat
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Reveo Virtuoso Gourmet Marinator:
Perfectly Marinated Meat In Minutes
One of the NIBBLE Editors’ favorite products, the effortless electric Virtuoso marinator is so much more than just a “marinating gadget.” It makes meats exceptionally juicy and among the best we’ve ever eaten. It also uses less marinade, is easy to clean and is dishwasher-safe. It can hold a five-pound chicken or a family’s worth of steaks, cutlets or seafood. You can even use it to infuse liquor with fruit or vegetables—all this in only 10 minutes! The lucky recipient of this gift will forever be grateful to you for introducing her to such a wonderful tool. Read our full review.
- Reveo Virtuoso Gourmet Marinator
Buy Reveo at specialty retailers, including:

Exceptionally juicy meats make this kitchen device worth the price, for carnivore families.
Countertop Rotisserie
Years back, we tearfully bid adieu to our large countertop rotisserie because there were things we used many times daily—our large microwave, toaster oven and food processor, that edged it off. Now, with the Ronco Showtime Compact Rotisserie, that toaster oven, which has the same footprint, has cause to worry. We’re planning a healthy new year and trading in all that high-carb toast for high-protein, low-fat, no-carb roast chicken, which will also make a delicious brown bag lunch in these days of careful spending. Sure, you can pick up a cooked bird from the store, but it isn’t going to be the best bird (we use Bell & Evans or Wise), or make the house smell so good while it’s cooking.
- Standard Or Platinum Edition*
2 Chickens
- Compact Rotisserie
Holds 1 Chicken
*The Standard edition has a dial timer and the Platinum edition has a digital push button timer. The price is the same. |

We’re eating healthier with delicious spit-roasted chicken—the fat drips out. The Platinum Edition Rotisserie & BBQ Oven, below, also makes burgers and kabobs.

Zapi Toothbrush Sanitizer
Your toothbrush cleans your teeth, but what cleans your toothbrush? A single toothbrush can harbor millions of microorganisms, which translate into harmful bacteria that thrive in the warm, moist environment of the average bathroom. The VIOlight system eliminates up to 99.9% of bacteria that thrive on your toothbrush. VIOlight uses a germicidal UV bulb—the same technology used in hospitals—to kill germs. Your toothbrush is fresh, clean and protected for the next time you brush—which should be after each meal and snack, if you can swing it.
- VIOlight Zapi Toothbrush Sanitizer
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William Bounds:
Battery-Operated Baton Dual Salt & Pepper Mill
Twirl your way to easy seasoning with the new Baton Dual Mill from William Bounds Ltd. There are no buttons to press or cranks to turn: gravity initiates the grinding process, making the Baton Dual Mill the most convenient way to freshly grind salt and pepper on food. The innovative design allows for freshly ground salt or pepper with just a flip of the mill. The mill is kept on a small stand in a horizontal position. When it’s picked up and held vertically, it begins to grind and dispense salt. Flip the mill to the other side, and its automatic mechanism stops grinding salt and begins to grind pepper. To stop grinding, simply place the mill back on its stand. A beauty on the dining table, a mastery of form, function and fun.
- William Bounds Baton Dual Mill
Buy online at |

The World’s First Personal Winery
Yes, it’s a luxury, but it’s also a dream come true. The WinePod is the revolutionary all-in-one winemaking system that allows anyone, to make great wine with no experience required. The sleek self-contained unit ferments, presses and manages your wine. State-of-the-art features such as temperature control, an automatic press, and real-time brix (% sugar by weight) sensor increase yield, simplify steps and improve wine quality. The WinePod includes step-by-step WineCoach software and it communicates to your PC via wired USB or wireless USB. It also has a two year limited warranty. Splurge on this for your favorite oenophile and you’re sure to receive a case of wine as thanks.
Learn more at
Call 1.877.922.3122 to order

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