Send us a postcard, drop us a line. Novelty mailbox from Mailbox Shoppe.
Contact Us
Our address for mail, UPS, Fed Ex and other deliveries is:
15 West 72nd Street, Suite 33G
New York, NY 10023 USA
We accept deliveries 24 hours a day. However, for perishables, write in advance (editors@) to be sure someone we have refrigerator/freezer space for your product.
Please mark perishables with VERY VISIBLE instructions: MUST REFRIGATE or MUST BE FROZEN.
Please note: We have discontinued our main phone number, 212-595-1800, because of the overwhelming number of solicitations and inappropriate calls.
If you need the number for the purpose FedEx or other delivery, email us and we’ll send it to you.
For Assistance or To Contact
A Department or Staff Member
We are not accepting individual advertisers, but are working exclusively with networks.
Please note that we are NOT currently considering any changes to our ad network.
For general editorial questions and comments, photo permissions, reprints, product and story suggestions, or to send news releases, contact:
The Editors
Email: Click here
To Send Samples: If you produce a specialty food product that you would like to submit to us for consideration, please read these instructions.
- We regret that we can’t answer particular product questions beyond the information in our articles.
- We do not sell any products. We have no relationship with the companies about whose products we write.
- You need to visit the website of the brand or the retailer.
- Thanks in advance for taking the time.
- Yes, we love to have grammar and typos corrected, too.
- Click here to email us.
Pesky bugs do appear, links do break, photos corrupt, websites we’ve linked to move their pages, and other things just stop working. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
Software Bug. Click here to tell us if it’s a bug—i.e., something isn’t working properly or at all, with the website or any particular page. PLEASE copy the URL of the problem page into your e-mail so we can find the problem quickly.
Broken Link, Missing Link, Photo, or Information, Typos, Etc. Click here and we’ll fix it posthaste. PLEASE copy and paste the URL and tell us where the problem is.
Macintosh users: We know there’s a problem with the right margin cut-off on monitors set at 860 pixels, and we’re working on it.
Technical Problems. If you’re having any of these technical problems—browser crashes, type size, scrolling, difficulty navigating and/or opening pages—read this FAQ. If it doesn’t answer your question, click here to contact our webmaster.
To tell us how we can make THE NIBBLE website and newsletter more valuable to you, or to send us other feedback, send us a note. We read every one.
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