Matching tea and food isn’t difficult; and in the end, as with wine, it’s what you like.
TOMISLAV PODREKA is the co-founder of SerendipiTea, one of the largest independent importers of fine and specialty teas in the U.S. For more information, visit SerendipiTea.com. |
September 2006
Updated January 2009
Tea & Food Pairings
Page 5: Mushrooms & Miscellaneous Foods, And Books About Tea
This is Page 5 of a 5-part article. Click the black links below to view the other pages.
Mushroom & Tea Pairings
Earthy mushroom flavors—some call them meaty—demand more assertive flavors than other vegetables.
- Chanterelles: Assam, Nilgiri, Ceylon, Pu-erh
- Common Mushrooms: Assam, Ceylon, Nilgiri, Dooars
- Morels: Assam, Tung Ting Oolong, Autumnal or Second-Flush Darjeeling, Pu-erh
Miscellaneous Food & Tea Pairings
- Anchovy: Ha Giang, Ceylon Green, First-Flush Darjeeling, Gunpowder, Chun
Mee, Pouchong
- Antipasto: Dragonwell, Pouchong, Ceylon, Dooars, Nilgiri
- Avocado: Tung Ting Oolong, Pouchong, Darjeeling, Sencha
- Bacon: Assam, Gunpowder, Ceylon
- Baked Beans: Ceylon, Assam, Kenya, Yunnan
- BBQ Fish: Gunpowder, Hojicha, Chun Mee
- BBQ Meat: Ceylon, Yunnan, Gunpowder
- Beef (Ground Beef, Stews, Roasts, Briskets): Ceylon, Yunnan, Formosa
Oolong, Kenya, Nilgiri, Gunpowder
- Blinis with Salmon: Tung Ting Oolong, Darjeeling
- Buffalo Wings: Ceylon, Darjeeling
- Carpaccio: Tung Ting Oolong, Darjeeling, Ceylon
- Clam Chowder: Dragonwell, Chun Mee, Ceylon Green
- Corn: Sencha, Hojicha, Chun Mee
- Corn Bread: Ceylon, Assam Kenya, Yunnan
- Couscous: Ceylon, Assam, Nilgiri, Yunnan, Gunpowder
- Curry: Darjeeling, Jasmine Black or Green
- Eggplant: Ceylon, Darjeeling
- Eggs: Darjeeling, Oolong (any), Keemun, Assam, Ceylon, Kenya
- Hamburgers: Ceylon, Darjeeling, Assam, Nilgiri, Kenya
- Lamb: Ceylon, Darjeeling, Yunnan
- Lasagna: Assam, Ceylon, Nilgiri
- Macaroni & Cheese: Sencha, Ceylon
- Meat Loaf: Yunnan, Keemun, Nilgiri, Kenya
- Mexican: Assam, Ceylon
- Pizza: Ceylon, Yunnan, Keemun
- Polenta: Darjeeling
- Pork: Darjeeling, Ceylon, Oolong (any), Hojicha, Lapsang Souchong, Dragonwell,
Gunpowder, Chun Mee
- Potato Salad: Oolong, Pouchong, Darjeeling, Dooars, Nilgiri, Ceylon
- Prawns: Dragonwell, Ti Kuan Yin, Dragonwell, Ha Giang, Ceylon Green
- Quiche: Darjeeling, Ceylon, Sencha, Dragonwell, Chun Mee
- Red Meat (Steak & “Bloody” Red Meats): Ceylon, Chinese Black Keemun,
Flavored Black Tea, Lapsang Souchong, Oolong, Moroccan Mint Tea
- Salami: Ceylon, Nilgiri
- Salsa: Vietnamese Green, Ceylon Green
- Spicy Foods: Ceylon, Chinese Black Keemun, Flavored Black Tea, Lapsang Souchong, Oolong, Moroccan Mint Tea
- Turkey: Oolong (any), Darjeeling, Ceylon, Yunnan
- Vegetables (raw): Ceylon, Nilgiri, Chun Mee, Sencha
Great Tea Reading
The Tea Companion: A Connoisseur’s Guide, by Jane Pettigrew. A comprehensive, authoritative guide to understanding, purchasing, and serving the world's finest teas is beautifully illustrated with full-color photographs of a variety of tea leaves and herbs, as well as their countries of origin. Learn how to store tea so its aromas last, brew it properly for fullest enjoyment, and appreciate the many nuances of flavor to be found in this extraordinary drink. Click here to purchase.
Tea Basics: A Quick and Easy Guide, by Wendy Rasmussen and Ric Rhinehart. A handy reference that covers all of the essentials of tea buying, brewing and tasting, and explores the comforts of ritual and healing that tea has provided through the centuries. As you sip and savor the wonderful flavors of black teas, green teas, oolongs and scented/herbal teas, you'll understand why tea is consumed by more people worldwide than any other drink except water. Click here to purchase.
The New Tea Companion: A Guide to Teas Throughout the World, by Jane Pettigrew and Bruce Richardson. The definitive guide to teas throughout the world. Beautifully illustrated with detailed information and brewing instructions for over 80 teas. Chapters on tea and health, tea production, tea blending and tea hospitality. Overall, a valuable up-to-date addition to the libraries of both tea novices and professionals. Click here to purchase. |
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