KAREN HOCHMAN is Editorial Director of THE NIBBLE.
September 2007
Updated October 2008
Cheese Straws
Page 4: Mississippi Cheese Straw Factory
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Mississippi Cheese Straw Factory
Yazoo City is located in the west central part of Mississippi, 40 miles northwest of Jackson. There, the Mississippi Cheese Straw Factory turns out robust, rectangular cheese biscuits, 2 inches long by 1-3/4 inches wide by 1/4 inches—about twice the size of J&M’s (think of each straw as two bites instead of one).
- Asiago has full cheese flavor, and may be our favorite of the savory group. This Italian cheese is often substituted for Parmesan (read about the difference between the cheeses), and will be a good accent for soups and salads where you’re looking for that type of flavor.
- Traditional Cheddar has a moderate cheddariness with a peppery kick on the finish, similar in impact to J & M’s but with more crunch.

Asiago Cheese Straws. |
- Fire Roasted Tomato has a lovely color, and the flavor contributes equal amounts of tomato and cheese. While we love a tomato and grilled cheese sandwich, for us, the reason to eat a cheese straw is for the cheese flavor, and the tomato dilutes that. Others may love it.
- Three Cheese presented a similar quandary. The name has sex appeal: You think you’re getting more with three cheeses than you’d get with one. But you get nothing identifiable—just a general cheesiness. The three cheeses are Blue, Cheddar and Parmesan, none of which is obvious. We might suggest going for the Asiago or the Cheddar, which leave no doubt. On the other hand, Three Cheese offers a low-key cheese straw that goes well with a glass of wine, where you don’t want a big, competing flavor.

Cinnamon Pecan Straws. |
Mississippi Cheese Straw Factory scores high on the sweet side as well, with a good selection of tasty straws. Unlike the crunchy cheese straws, the buttery cookies melt in the mouth. The stars in the collection are Cinnamon Pecan, which tastes like streusel topping on coffee cake, and Pineapple Coconut, which among all the sweet straws does have crunch and texture from the flaked coconut. |
And while not a straw, highly addictive little cookies called Mud Puppies are not to be missed. These bite-sized cookies, 1-1/2 inches in diameter, will not win a beauty contest (hence the name). But the chocolate chips, brown sugar, oats, pecans and butter conspire to make you forget that they are not the cutest cookie in the box.
SAVORY: Asiago, Cheddar, Fire Roasted Tomato, Three Cheese
SWEET: Cinnamon Pecan, Key Lime, Lemon, Mud Puppies (cookies), Pineapple Coconut
- 1.5-Ounce Single
3 Straws—Stocking
- 3.5-Ounce Carton
- 6.5-Ounce Carton
- 16-Ounce Gift Tin
Original Cheddar,
Lemon or Mud Puppies

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Buy online at MSCheeseStraws.com
Prices and product availability are verified at publication but are subject to change. Shipping is additional.
