Delicious, nutritious and fun: True North nut snacks. Photography by Saidi Granados.
KAREN HOCHMAN is Editorial Director of THE NIBBLE.
August 2008
True North Nut Snacks
Page 3: Whole Nuts & The Health Benefits Of Nuts
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True North Whole Nuts
Those looking for quality roasted nuts can find True North nuts in:
- Lightly Roasted Almonds
- Pecan-Almond-Walnut-Pistachio Mix
- Sea Salted Pistachios
As you’ll see in the section below, all are FDA-approved as heart-healthy in small amounts per day (this applies to the Nut Clusters and Nut Crunches, too).
Health Benefits Of Nuts
Nuts are a good protein food. Yes, they have fats, but largely unsaturated, heart-healthy fats. In fact, nuts are a heart-healthy food. In 2003, the FDA approved the following claim for seven different types of nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, some pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts):
“Scientific evidence suggests but does not prove that eating 1.5 oz per day of most nuts as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.”
These nuts contain less than 4g of saturated fats per 50g. However, you can have other types of nuts; the key is to limit your intake to one to two ounces of unsalted nuts per day. Walnuts have a significantly higher amount of alpha linolenic acid as compared to other nuts (a type of plant-derived omega 3 fatty acid, similar to that found in salmon, which many studies show lowers total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol [the bad cholesterol] levels).
There’s nothing left to say except, snack away!
Nut Clusters, Nut Crisps, Nut Crunches & Whole Nuts
Certified kosher (dairy) by OU
Whole nuts are pareve
- Nut Clusters, Nut Crisps,
Nut Crunches & Whole Nuts
4.5-Ounce To 7-Ounce
Bags (Depending On Type)
$3.29 Per Bag
- Club Store Bags
24 Ounces
Purchase online* at Amazon.com
Available at Costco, H-E-B, Sam’s Club, Target, Wal-Mart Whole Foods and other retailers nationwide. Visit TrueNorthSnacks.com for stores.

*Prices and product availability are verified at publication but are subject to change. Shipping is additional. These items are offered by a third party and THE NIBBLE has no relationship with them. This link to purchase is provided as a reader convenience.
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