Top Pick Of The Week

March 27, 2012



Linzer Cookies

My Dad’s, started because a family member had celiac disease, makes delightful gluten-free, bakery-style cookies. Here, classic Linzer cookies filled with jam. All photography by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.

WHAT IT IS: A large line of bakery-style cookies, gluten-free.
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: The large selection of classic cookie types mean you won’t get tired of any one style.
WHY WE LOVE IT: They taste as good as the “real thing,” and can be served to an entire group of family and guests without anyone noticing a difference.
WHERE TO BUY IT:, $7.95 per six-ounce box, with free shipping.
NEED GLUTEN-FREE MATZO FOR PASSOVER?  We like Yehuda brand, in Original and Toasted Onion.

Just a few of the styles of gluten-free treats.


My Dad’s: Some Of The Best
Gluten-Free Cookies

Jump to the article index below


REVIEW:  We try to taste as many gluten-free products as we can. As many as one in seven Americans are gluten-sensitive* and can’t have wheat. They deserve to eat as well as the rest of us.

Unlike allergens which can be easily avoided (such as nuts), gluten, a wheat protein, is in every conventional bread, pasta, pizza, cookie, cake and pie.

While large manufacturers have created gluten-free products to meet consumer demand, they aren’t always the tastiest products around. The ingredients that make the closest-to-wheat gluten-free flours are significantly more expensive than wheat flour. Large manufacturers work within strict margins and can’t always use “the best.”

While we’ve found other excellent small brands of gluten-free cookies and cookie mixes, we were pleased to come across My Dad’s Cookies, an extensive line of bakery-style cookies, at the recent Coffee & Tea Festival in New York City. We sampled everything on the trays, and only when we decided to purchase a few boxes did we see the package, stating GLUTEN FREE.

Chocolate-Dipped Graham Crackers

Chocolate-dipped graham crackers.


There is just about every type of cookie one could want. Choices include:

  • Black & White Cookies (photo below)
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies and Chocolate Chip Biscotti
  • Chocolate Dipped Vanilla Graham Cookies (photo above)
  • Sandwich cookies: Chocolate Fancy (drizzled with chocolate—photo below), Chocolàno (Milano-style—photo below), Chocolate Sandwich Cookies (with vanilla cream, Oreo-style), Italian Chocolate & Raspberry Cookies and Raspberry Linzer Cookies (photo at top of page).
  • Cranergy Cookies (cranberry-orange), Ginger Spice Cookies

There is no gluten in a typical piece of chocolate, so those with gluten sensitivities can enjoy a chocolate Easter bunny—and jelly beans, too. Your gluten-sensitive loved ones might just prefer an Easter basket filled with My Dad’s cookies.

— Karen Hochman


Also check out the article index, below, and see more beautiful cookie photos.

*Symptoms of gluten sensitivity include gastrointestinal problems, headaches, fatigue and other reactions. In addition, some 1 in 133 Americans have celiac disease, a serious condition that can lead to malnutrition and osteoporosis. People can go for decades without exhibiting symptoms, only to have the disease suddenly trigger. Source:


For A Gluten-Free Lifestyle

100 Best Gluten Free Recipes Deliciously G-Free Living Gluten Free For Dummies

100 Best Gluten-Free Recipes, by Carol Fenster. Safe, gluten-free recipes for the everyday foods we love most—breads, pasta, muffins, cookies, cakes, pies and more. More information.

Deliciously G-Free: Food So Flavorful They’ll Never Believe It’s Gluten-Free, by Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Delectable, easy-to-make, family-friendly recipes. More information.

Living Gluten-Free For Dummies, by Danna Korn. What you need to know if you or a loved one is sensitive to gluten, and how to make a pleasant transition. More information.


This is Page 1 of a one-page review. Click on the black links to visit other articles:


Gluten Free Black and White CookiesBlack and white cookies, a special favorite on a sponge cake-like shortbread base.


Gluten Free Milano-Style Cookies Chocolàno, a vanilla sandwich cookie with chocolate filling.

Almond Coconut Horns.
  Best Gluten Free Cookies
Serve an assortment!


FOOD TRIVIA: Gluten is the Latin word for glue. The protein acts as a binder to give elasticity to dough and a chewy texture to the final product. There are more than 20 gluten-free or low-gluten alternatives to wheat flour, from familiar ingredients such as cornmeal and potato flour to amaranth and teff flours. They’re more expensive than wheat flour, which is why gluten-free baked goods, pasta, etc. are costlier than conventional products.

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