Top Pick Of The Week

June 9, 2009

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Banana Bread

Very moist and naturally sweet from ripe bananas, banana bread goes easily from breakfast to a lunch and dinner dessert to an all-day (and night) snack. Photo by Lulu Durand | IST.

WHAT IT IS: Banana bread.
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: Five flavors beyond the classic.
WHY WE LOVE IT: A delicious treat from breakfast through midnight snacks, with great freezability; defrosts quickly (or instantly with a slight nuke).

Hannah Banana Bread:
Comfort Me

Page 2: Banana Walnut Bread,
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread & More

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Varieties Of Hannah Banana Bread

As this is America, variety is the name of the game. You can have your banana bread in Classic Banana, Blueberry Banana, Butterscotch Caramel Banana, Chocolate Chip Banana, White Chocolate Chip Caramel Walnut Banana and Walnut Banana. We have our favorites—Chocolate Chip and Walnut—but we’ll take you through the entire line.

The recipes are all-natural, with no preservatives. The basic banana bread is very moist and flavorful, with the ability to freeze and refreeze—if there’s anything left over to freeze, that is. Just as a pint of ice cream looks like “one portion” to some, the mini-loaves, six inches long by three and a half inches wide, look like “three portions” to us.

Banana Nut Bread
Walnut Banana Bread is chock-full of crisp, meaty walnuts.

Classic Banana Bread. Lisa Spinner found her grandmother’s sketchy notes for a banana bread recipe. Improvising where ingredient increments were unclear, she tweaked the recipe (it includes buttermilk) and ultimately arrived at the wonderfully moist and flavorful banana bread that was enjoyed by family and friends long before the idea for a business germinated.

Walnut Banana Bread. Walnuts are the perfect nut complement to banana bread. The crunchy contrast and superb walnut flavor of Hannah Banana’s premium nuts make this flavor even more enjoyable than the Classic. It’s sprinkled with turbinado sugar for a finishing touch. (Photo above.)

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread. What’s the next best thing to do to a banana bread recipe? Add chocolate chips! Large, semisweet chocolate drops dot the banana landscape, and we couldn’t be happier.

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread: a a star.

White Chocolate Chip Caramel Walnut Banana Bread. Whew, that’s a mouthful, although the mouthful certainly tastes good. We wish that the chocolate chips were dark chocolate instead of white; with so much else going on, the white chocolate taste gets lost in the shuffle, as does the caramel. But overall, the blend of flavors makes this variety a runner up. There’s a sprinkle of turbinado sugar on the top, too.

The last two flavors sound great in concept, but pale next to the others. Yes, they’re still delicious banana breads, but the accent flavors don’t accent enough—or at all.

Butterscotch Caramel Banana Bread. There’s a bit of nice butterscotch/caramel flavor in this banana bread, delivered by butterscotch and caramel chips. There’s a swirl of caramel on top, as well, but that gets baked in. But combined, they still don’t deliver enough of a butterscotch/caramel experience for us. Yet, this flavor obviously has its fans; amp up the butterscotch/caramel impact and we’ll join them. For those who just want a touch, this may be your flavor.

Blueberry Banana Bread. While this looks enticing (photo at right), there’s no blueberry flavor in these blueberries. In order to provide a year-round product, frozen blueberries are used. They just don’t stand up to the vivid banana flavor. However, Blueberry Banana doesn’t care what we think: It’s a good seller.

Blueberry Banana Bread
Blueberry Banana Bread: not a star.

Regardless of our feeling about any particular flavor, let us assure you: No crumb went uneaten.

Our article concludes on the next page, with banana facts (impress your friends!) and shopping information.

Continue To Page 3: Banana Facts/Buy Banana Bread Online

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