
Sadie, one of the “girls” handmade daily at One Girl Cookies, out for some fun before providing you with a mouthful of orange butter cookie topped with fresh coconut. Photo by Daniela Cuevas | THE NIBBLE. |
WHAT IT IS: Handmade fancy artisan cookies. |
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: Each fine baker has a special touch. One Girl’s selection is art and whimsy, from the elegant chocolate mint sandwiches to the fetching pumpkin and cream cheese whoopie pies. |
WHY WE LOVE IT: Per founder Dawn Casale’s vision, the cookies are small enough so that you can enjoy a selection of flavors, shapes and sizes and have a “cookie party” with every serving. |
WHERE TO BUY IT: OneGirlCookies.com. |

One Girl Cookies:
Artisan Tea Cookies To Love
CAPSULE REPORT: One day, one girl decided to leave her career at the prestigious Barney’s New York fashion temple to pursue the artisan craft of baking. After two holiday seasons testing the waters by making tea cookies in her tiny West Village apartment, the girl, Dawn, rented professional kitchen space and began to look for a full-time baker so she could focus on business management and marketing. And she needed a roommate. One boy, Dave, came to look at the room, and coincidentally was looking for a job as a baker. He decided that he needed the job more than the room, so he took the position at One Girl. But one day, he got the room, too: The boy and girl married. Beautiful artisan cookies continue to pour forth, made with even more love than one girl imagined when she followed her heart and traded fashion for flour.
Charming, petite butter cookies, sugar cookies, shortbread and whoopie pies provide a compelling reason to have regular afternoon teas, special endings to lunch and dinner, and gifts to bring (or send). Of course, you need no reason at all: Everyone deserves a regular treat of handmade, top-quality baked goodness. Read the full review and imagine each bite until your order arrives.
THE NIBBLE does not sell the foods we review
or receive fees from manufacturers for recommending them.
Our recommendations are based purely on our opinion, after tasting thousands of products each year, that they represent the best in their respective categories. |
Bake Your Own Artisan Cookies
The All-American Cookie Book, by Nancy Baggett. Every American cookie you can think of is here—more than 150 of them—from luscious Black Bottom Mini Brownie Cups and chewy Chocolate Thumbprint Crackles to Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies and crisp, spicy Old-Fashioned Gingerbread Cookies. A must for the cookbook collection. Click here to purchase. |
Big Fat Cookies, by Elinor Klivans. More fun than baking cookies is making big fat cookies. Anyone can whip up a quick batch of 50 different gigantic crispy, chewy or fancy-pants sandwich cookies. All recipes are wonderfully clear and appropriate for bakers of all skill levels. But you’ll want to make every single one of them. Click here to purchase. |
Great Cookies: Secrets to Sensational Sweets, by Carole Walter. With more than 200 delectable recipes, more than 150 tantalizing photographs and tips covering every baking method, including foolproof techniques to ensure that your cookies look as good as the eat-me-off-the-page examples in the book. Click here to purchase. |
One Girl Cookies: Artisan Tea Cookies To Love
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It takes hard work to make a career change. In this case, Dawn Casale went from being an accessories manager in the high-fashion world of Barney’s department store, to the owner of a delightful, homey yet fashionable bakery café that makes a neighborhood like Cobble Hill, Brooklyn such a welcoming place to live.
Seven days a week, neighbors drop by for a latte or hot chocolate (with big, homemade marshmallows) with a cupcake, plate of tea cookies or Continental pastry, making their selections from the large glass display case. Moms stop by to treat the kids or select a fancy birthday cake. Brides-to-be design party favors—four tiers of cookies iced like a miniature wedding cake—and cakes for bridal showers. The inventory is perishable, but being a small business owner has its rewards.

Who could resist this welcome sign? Photo by Kathi Littwin Photography. |
There are rewards for you, too. While you’ll have to show up in person to enjoy the cupcakes and pastries (if you’re in New York City, easy travel instructions are on the OneGirlCookies.com website), the cookies that started the entire venture are very shippable. Dawn has added more varieties in addition to her Classic Cookie Collection, including the best whoopie pie we’ve ever had. Because when you bake with the best ingredients and so much love, that’s what pops out of the oven.
Take a look at the cookies on the next page.
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