
Truffles made from raw cacao, covered with raw cacao nibs, have intense, bittersweet chocolate flavor. You are mano a mano with the cacao. Wow! All photography by Corey Lugg | THE NIBBLE. |
WHAT IT IS: Chocolate truffles, brownies and other products made from raw cacao. |
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: It’s “primitive” chocolate without fancy designs that simply tastes terrific. It’s also organic and vegan. |
WHY WE LOVE IT: It tastes healthy, primal, vigorous and delicious...and it’s better for you! |
WHERE TO BUY IT: UliMana.com. |

Uli Mana Raw Cacao: Organic, Vegan, Terrific!
CAPSULE REPORT: For everyone wondering about the healthy food picks of the last few weeks, January is “health month” at THE NIBBLE. That’s the brief hiatus between the six weeks of holiday eating that end the old year and the Valentine’s Day delights of the new year. During “health month,” we try not to tempt people away from their New Year’s resolutions. Both our Top Picks Of The Week and the regular reviews and articles on TheNibble.com are bursting with the most delicious “good-for-you” foods we can find.
Before you get tired of healthy foods, the indulgences begin again on January 26, with three weeks of Valentine gift recommendations. Or maybe they begin right now, as we show how chocolate can be wholesome, vegan, organic, raw, primitive...and delectable. We polished off every last morsel.
When we first set eyes on Uli Mana, its packaging did not look like manna from chocolate heaven. But then we tasted the organic chocolate truffles, brownies, chocolate spread and more. Raw cacao was never more divine. And with nary a drop of refined sugar: It’s all sweetened with lower-glycemic agave syrup. There’s no cream, no butter, and more antioxidants than in regular chocolate. How could our New Year’s diet disapprove?
In Uli Mana’s hands, raw cacao is a wow. This is food for serious foodies—though they may wish to share it with their raw foodist and vegan friends. Read the full review, including more about raw cacao, below.
THE NIBBLE does not sell the foods we review
or receive fees from manufacturers for recommending them.
Our recommendations are based purely on our opinion, after tasting thousands of products each year, that they represent the best in their respective categories. |
Learn More About Raw Food
The Complete Book of Raw Food, Second Edition: Healthy, Delicious Vegetarian Cuisine Made with Living Foods, Julie Rodwell, Editor. Includes more than 400 recipes from the world’s top raw food chefs. Click here for more information or to purchase. |
Everyday Raw, by Matthew Kenney. This book is for everyday people who want the healthy recipes and great flavor of raw food. You’ll be inspired by the beautiful photography. Click here for more information or to purchase. |
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Eating Raw, by Mark Reinfeld, Bo Rinaldi and Jennifer Murray. The benefits of going raw, recipes with easy-to-find ingredients, all the basics. Click here for more information or to purchase. |
Uli Mana Raw Cacao: Organic, Vegan, Terrific!
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Introduction To Uli Mana
We are not going to explain much about the genesis of the company name, Uli Mana. The company website tells you that it is a portmanteau, a made up name from a 35,000-year-old Huna/Polynesian aboriginal tradition.
Mana is life force energy and Uli is the Goddess of Serenity. When you have a lot of mana, you are healthy and vibrant. When speaking the name UliManaMana, one is asking the goddess Uli for the blessing of life force energy and vibrant health. As the company founders state, “Say it often as you eat our chocolate and have gratitude for the gifts bestowed upon you.”
We ate the chocolate and are grateful. That’s the end of our exploration into the spiritual. For the remainder of this review, we’re here for the chocolate! You don’t have to pray for it—you can order it online.
But first, learn more about raw cacao and why it’s so good for you. |

The jar of Cacao Nib Truffles shown in the bowl at the top of the page. |
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