THE NIBBLE began in 2003 as e-mailed recommendations of fine foods to a group of foodies and wine collectors. We launched this website in February 2005 to provide a much broader variety of information about specialty foods, gourmet housewares, and other food-themed products.
THE NIBBLE’s Top Pick Of The Week:
It’s Absolutely Free & Totally Delicious!
If you love fine food...if you know the difference between good, really good and simply spectacular...if you think that no matter how satisfied you are with something, there might be something even better out there...or if you just want to need to read THE NIBBLE’s Top Pick Of The Week.
You’ll enjoy the Top Pick Of The Week product recommendation you get each Tuesday—a fabulous food you don’t have to forage for, but can click through to buy online. (NOTE: THE NIBBLE doesn’t sell the products or accept paid placements. If we review a product, it’s because we love it, and hope that you will, too.)
What Happens When You Subscribe?
Each week a new product summary will be emailed (or sent via RSS, if you choose) to the address you provide. It will be a two- or three-paragraph description of the product, and a photo.
- If you’d like to learn more, you can click through to the full review, here on The review will contain a detailed analysis of each flavor in the product line and educational information about the product category in general.
- Because the Top Pick is only one of the numerous products we review each month, at the end of the month you’ll receive the table of contents of that month’s issue of THE NIBBLE online magazine. You can click through to the articles and reviews of interest.
You can unsubscribe at any time.
What's In The Top Pick Of The Week?
Each issue presents one recommended food or beverage. On occasion, there will be several products; for example, a review of the world’s best white chocolate.
- Generally there is an online retailer, and you can click-through to purchase. Many of the best products are from small producers without wide distribution, who sell from their websites.
- When available, we link to the manufacturer’s retail store locator to help you find the products in your area.
All newsletters are archived on this website. You can read the current and past newsletter issues by clicking here.
Click here to subscribe—it’s free.
Click here to read the current issue.
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Lifestyle Direct, Inc. All rights reserved. Images are the copyright of their respective owners.
