It’s not just about taste: the right sauce can turn a dessert into a work of art. Photo by AngelIce | IST.
Gourmet Dessert Sauce & Toppings
The Best Sauce & Topping Products To Make Your Good Desserts Taste Great
We love the gourmet dessert sauce category because it epitomizes the magic of specialty foods—how they can transform good dishes into the great ones with no more effort than opening a jar. You don’t even have to pre-plan: if you keep your pantry stocked with a jar of gourmet dessert sauce, you’ll always have the components of a great dessert. (Part of the trick: Add a great dessert sauce to a plain pie, pound cake, cheese cake, brownie, pudding, etc. As long as the base product is good, a great sauce or topping will make it seem that much better.)
If there’s a great dessert sauce you want to be sure we don’t overlook, click on the Contact Us link on this page to tell us about it. It if isn’t something we’ll be able to find easily, be sure to give us the contact information, URL, etc.
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Nibble Tip
More so than chocolate, caramel or butterscotch sauce is a versatile partner to just about any dessert—ice cream, pudding, pies, cakes, brownies, fruit. Keep a couple of jars of top quality sauces on hand (we love Fritz Knipschildt’s); as well as a jar of sugar-free for guests who are restricting their sugar intake but can have fresh fruit. Introduce them to a delicious sugar-free caramel sauce (we like Steel’s) and you’ll be a hero as well as a great host(ess).
Caramel sauce turns an ordinary baked apple into a grand dessert. Photo courtesy of Senior Citizens Magazine.
