Looking like a food of the Jetsons on the one hand, the calabash squash is part of quite a few primitive cultures. You’ll be able to identify the other varieties in this Squash Glossary. Photo by Nathalie Dulex.
MELISSA HOM is an editorial intern at THE NIBBLE.
June 2006
Updated July 2008
Product Reviews / Main Nibbles / Vegetables
Squash Glossary
Types Of Squash For Summer, Winter And Year-Round
Page 3: Acorn Squash & Other Squash Types Beginning With A
This is Page 3 of an eight-page glossary featuring different types of squash. Here, squash types beginning with A include favorites like acorn squash and more unusual varieties like ambercup squash and Australian blue squash. Click here to recommend a variety we haven’t included. Click on the black links below to visit the other pages. See our more than 50 other food glossaries, each featuring a different favorite food.
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Acorn Squash
Any Green Bay Packers fan should love acorn squash because it comes in the team’s three colors: green, gold and white (though the dark green ones can be much darker in hue than the team’s forest green). Known for its compact size, one squash provides one (generous) or two portions. The defined ribs make an attractive vessel: the halves can be hollowed out after baking and used as decorative bowls for mashed squash, squash soup, rice or stuffing. Naturally sweet and slightly fibrous, acorn squash can be substituted for buttercup squash, which is generally drier, or butternut squash, which is nuttier.
Available year round, although the all-white or all-yellow acorn squash peak late August to December. |
Ambercup Squash
Compact and weighing less than three pounds, the ambercup squash is pumpkin-colored shell with an occasional stripe, that encases a deep vibrant orange flesh. It is comparable to buttercup squash but slightly drier; the dryness lends itself to cooking because the water content can be controlled in soup, stuffing or rice pilaf.
Available June to November. |
Autumn Cup Squash
Under its forest-green shell and sparse green stripes, the rich, meaty autumn cup squash is so flavorful that its yolk-colored flesh pops in the mouth. Compact but substantial, the autumn cup squash is a velvety joy.
Available September through December.
Australian Blue Squash or Queensland Blue Winter Squash
The hefty Australian blue squash has teal-gray skin encasing bright orange flesh. The flesh is very similar in taste and appearance to a pumpkin; the two can easily be substituted for each other. Australian squash or Queensland Blue Winter Squash is also known as the Jarrahdale Pumpkin, named after Jarrahdale, Western Australia’s first timber town, in 1872. The town is also known for its farms, orchards and art galleries.
Available September through December.
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Lifestyle Direct, Inc. All rights reserved. The photos in this squash glossary are courtesy of Goebel Farms, Melissa’s, MorgueFile and Melissa Hom, except as noted. Images are the copyright of their respective owners.
