Instead of butter, try horseradish or Bourbon whipped cream with beef. Photo by Graytown | IST.
April 2010
Last Updated January 2019 |
Flavored Whipped Cream Recipes
Page 3: Savory Whipped Cream Recipes
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Savory Whipped Cream
Start with this basic recipe. Makes about 2 cups.
- 1 cup of heavy cream
- 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
- 1/4 teaspoon finely ground black pepper (use white pepper if you don’t
want the black flecks)
- Chill the bowl, beaters and cream thoroughly.
- Whip with electric beaters until soft peaks form, or make the whipped cream in a nitrous oxide-charged cream whipper. If you don’t use a cream whipper, you can put the whipped cream into a pastry bag to create the “swirl” for garnishing.
On top of this basic recipe, you can add the following:
- 2 tablespoons lemon peel (for fish and seafood)
- 4-5 tablespoons Bourbon (for grilled meats)
- 2 tablespoons finely-grated Parmesan cheese (for soup, meats, fish)
- 2 tablespoons horseradish (for beef, smoked salmon, vegetables)
- Herbs or spices (see below)
Infusing Herbs & Spices
To infuse herbs into whipped cream:
- Place cream in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Watch carefully so the cream does not boil over.
- As soon as the cream comes to a full boil, add the herbs and any additional seasoning (salt, pepper, other flavors).
- Immediately remove the pan from the heat. Use a spoon to push the herbs under the surface of the cream to infuse. Cover the pan and let the herbs steep for 30 minutes.
- Remove lid and let the cream cool.
- Strain cream though a sieve into a large liquid measuring cup, pressing down on the herbs with the back of the spoon to extract all the liquid. Discard herbs.
- Refrigerate cream for several hours or overnight. Do not attempt to whip until it is cold.
How much spice or herb do you need? It depends on how intense you want the flavor to be. You’ll need to experiment. Start with:
- Seeds (caraway, fennel): one teaspoon per cup of cream.
- Herbs (basil, oregano, tarragon thyme, rosemary): 2-4 sprigs per cup of cream.
Crush herbs and seeds before adding to cream in order to extract maximum flavor.
Look through the spice cabinet and get inspiration from your herbs, spices and flavored salts.
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