Learn about the sauces, rubs and marinades that make great barbecue great.
Shawn Roarke is a freelance writer based in Keyport, New Jersey.
July 2005
Book Review:
Barbecue! Bible Sauces, Rubs, and Marinades, Bastes, Butters, and Glazes
By Steven Raichlen
For those already down with the basics of grilling, outdoor cooking guru Steven Raichlen provides the opportunity to move on to advanced study in Barbecue! Bible: Sauces, Rubs, and Marinades, Bastes, Butters and Glazes. In this book, a follow-up to the Barbecue! Bible, Raichlen provides flavoring techniques used in every part of the world to get the most out of grilled food.
Raichlen's love of grilling oozes from each page, as he not only provides recipes but explains what exactly is going on behind the scenes with each recipe or technique. This allows the reader to readily absorb what is being offered up.
The paprika-heavy Memphis Rub is a can’t-miss kitchen staple. The in-depth explanations also prepare the advanced griller for the exciting journey of discovery that comes with developing homemade signature sauces and rubs from scratch. Raichlen’s easy how-to primer for making homemade barbecue sauce is a perfect example. Follow his precise steps, add a little imagination, and those store-bought, overly-sweet offerings will quickly become a thing of the past.
—A favorite book of Shawn Roarke
