We always wanted to try every beer on the planet to figure out which ones we liked best, but our bodies would never allow us. Fortunately, Jackson is tougher and the result is a truly great guide.
SHAWN ROARKE is a freelance writer in Keyport, New Jersey
July 2005
Michael Jackson’s Great Beer Guide
By Michael Jackson
Both informative and entertaining, Jackson’s follow-up to Ultimate Beer is a must-read for anyone who loves beer. Jackson, offering up his liver and taste buds for the good of mankind, has not only tried virtually every beer on the planet, but he has also painstakingly logged his thoughts on each one, allowing the reader to find beers that will suit a particular palate or meal. Just as importantly, Jackson is not a beer snob. While chapters on the brewing practices of countries with a universally acknowledged track record of producing great beers—the Czech Republic, German, Belgium and Great Britain—are must reads, Jackson also fairly details the burgeoning microbrewery revolution taking place here in the United States. Simply put, this colossal book is mandatory for anyone wishing to explore the world of beet that lies beyond the domestic offerings of America’s major breweries.
—A favorite book of Shawn Roarke
