The first book all about the world’s great waters.
KAREN HOCHMAN is Editorial Director of THE NIBBLE™.
November 2006
Fine Waters
By Michael Mascha
In the interest of full disclosure, Michel Mascha is the water editor of THE NIBBLE—but that’s not why we like his book so much. In fact, we asked him to be our editor after reading many of his reviews on the world’s fine waters on his website, FineWaters.com. While we haven’t come close to absorbing his massive connoisseurship, we have become quite knowledgeable, two steps ahead of our friends, as it were; and to Dr. Mascha we are truly grateful.
With dozens of different bottled waters available at even basic supermarkets, consumers have tasted and compared and realized that water, like wine, has a unique identity that is defined by its origin. Yet, although many people have been drinking expensive waters for twenty years, there has been not one volume on the topic, compared to the seemingly endless number of books published on wine.
Fine Waters, A Connoisseur’s Guide to the World’s Most Distinctive Bottled Waters, provides context to the category, explaining why waters taste different. It starts with an excellent glossary that will be eye-opening to most readers—are there really so many descriptors for water? What many people will find most interesting are Dr. Mascha’s tasting notes for more than a hundred of the world’s best bottled waters.
The full-color, hardcover book has been published in pocketbook format, 4-7/8" x 8-1/2", making it convenient to carry to restaurants to make those decisions like what water pairs best with what you’re eating. For water-lovers everywhere, this is a treasure—whether or not one aims to become a world-class connoisseur like Dr. Mascha.
*Price and product availability are verified at publication but are subject to change.
