
Biotta’s beautiful organic juice line—delicious and most definitely good for you. All photography by Corey Lugg | THE NIBBLE. Styling by Lauren LaPenna. |
WHAT IT IS: Organic fruit and vegetable juice. |
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: Grown in Switzerland by organic food pioneers who established the company in 1931, and launched the juices in 1957. The land has been pesticide-free for more than 50 years! |
WHY WE LOVE IT: Simply incredible flavor—vivid, intensive, alive! |
WHERE TO BUY IT: At retailers nationwide and EFoodPantry.com. |

The Joy Of Juice:
Biotta Organic Vegetable & Fruit Juices
CAPSULE REPORT: Who doesn’t love a glass of juice? But, just like like ice cream, burgers or any pleasing food, there’s good, very good and amazing. Biotta raises the juice bar about as high as it can go. It’s beyond delicious—it’s exciting, vibrant and organic to boot!
Each of the 16 different bottles of fruit and vegetable juice is labeled with the health benefit that the produce’s vitamins and minerals confer—for example, beet juice or vegetable juice cocktail for your immune system, carrot juice for vision, celery root juice for pH regulation, potato juice for the stomach. Potato juice? If you’ve just cocked an eyebrow, you’ll convert to eyes wide open as you sip a glass and sigh, “I never dreamed potato juice would taste like this!”
But these juices are more than just sippers. You can cook with them, make ice cream and sorbet, turn them into kickin’ cocktails. Beetroot Martini? Mmmm—and while you’re at it, try some fine organic gin and vodka from the Organic Spirits Company. Read the full review below, and then, drink up!
THE NIBBLE does not sell the foods we review
or receive fees from manufacturers for recommending them.
Our recommendations are based purely on our opinion, after tasting thousands of products each year, that they represent the best in their respective categories. |
Get Juicy With It
The Best Tomato Juices. You say tomato, I say tomahto, we say these are the best tomato juices from the supermarket. |
Pomegranate Primer: All About Pomegranate Juice. Learn all about the pomegranate, and our review of more than 50 pomegranate juices. |
Yumberry Juice. What’s up with yumberry, the “superfruit” from China? Read about yumberry juice and our review of Frützzo. |
The Joy Of Juice: Biotta Organic Fruit & Vegetable Juice
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Introduction To Biotta Organic Juice
The organic beverage company, Gemusebau AG, was founded in 1931. Located in the Swiss town of Tägerwilen, in the canton of Thurgau in the northeast corner of Switzerland, it was an early advocate of organic food. In 1957, the company was re-established as Biotta Inc., and produced its first line of juice that year. The company’s more than 1,700 acres of land have been organic—chemical-, fertilizer- and toxic-free—for more than 50 years. Since its founding, Biotta has continuously monitored the entire organic cycle, from cultivation to processing and production. The company adheres to the guidelines and certifications of the Swiss Organic Regulations and those of other countries, including EU Organic Regulations, the USA’s National Organic Program and the Japanese Agricultural Standard.
Does “organic” make the juice taste better? Does it have more vitamins than juice that isn’t organic? There is no research to support either of these claims, nor any research that organic products will usually taste better (see our own study, “Does Organic Food Taste Better?”). Yet many people do find that organic produce tastes better, and Biotta juices are simply outstanding in flavor. The dedication to making the best products from the best fruits and vegetables is apparent. We’ve had quite a few organic juice brands. Organic or natural, Biotta’s a star.

Biotta’s offices in Tägerwilen, Switzerland: not your typical corporate headquarters! |
How do they get those delicious flavors? Field ripened produce is carefully harvested, and minimal processing ensures that the juices’ natural minerals and vitamins are left intact. Biotta goes to great measures in the crushing of the fruit and vegetables to ensure that the most nutrients go into the juices. And, of course, the juices are 100% pure juice and are never made from concentrate.
This small company of 35 produces 23 organically-grown fruit and vegetable juices that are sold in 40 countries. Sixteen of them are imported into the U.S., in 16.9 fl oz (500ml) and single serving 8.4 fl oz (250ml) glass bottles. Sixteen is a goodly number to sample, but once you’ve had them all, you’ll be clamoring for the rest of the line—or maybe take a pilgrimage to Tägerwilen to sip at the (figurative) font.
—Karen Hochman
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