Make a salad exciting by tossing in some Crunchies veggie snacks (we used Roasted Veggies above). Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE. |
WHAT IT IS: Crunchy, freeze-dried fruit and vegetable snacks. |
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: Great flavor with no added salt or sugar. |
WHY WE LOVE IT: It’s not just a healthful snack; it’s a great garnish. |
WHERE TO BUY IT: Retailers nationwide (store locator), Amazon.com and CrunchiesFood.com. |

Perk up a cup of tea with Crunchies fruit flavors. Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.

You don’t need fresh fruit to enjoy a fruit plate! Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.
Crunchies Snacks: Healthful Fruit & Veggie Snacks & More!
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Crunchy, freeze-dried vegetable and fruit snacks have been growing in popularity, as people seek the magical nexus of crunch, flavor, moderate calories and better-for-you servings of fruits and veggies.
One of our favorite brands is Crunchies. In the fruit category there are apples, bananas, berries, mango, mixed fruit, pineapple, pears and tropical mix; veggie choices include three varieties of corn, three varieties of edamame and mix roasted vegetables (even people who run away from vegetables will enjoy them).
How Are They Dried?
While dying methods vary from producer to producer, at Crunchies the fresh fruits and veggies are placed in a refrigerated vacuum chamber that removes up to 97% of the moisture. The process retains a high percentage of the nutritious enzymes that are lost through conventional heat-drying dehydration and provides an extra-crunchy texture.
There is no added salt or sugar. The regular line is certified gluten free and certified kosher by KOF-K; the organic line is simply certified organic. Crunchies are available in double-serving size and individual “lunchbox”packets.
While snacking on the crunchy delights by the handful is the original intent, they make most excellent additions to everyday foods and recipes. We use them in everything from yogurt and salads to tea and hot chocolate.
Here are ways to spark up everyday dishes with good-for-you, flavorful crunch.
Savory Dishes
Beyond snacking, Crunchies make a great garnish for everyday foods such as:
- Casseroles: Roasted Veggies Crunchies.
- Eggs: Corn Crunchies, Roasted Veggies
- Pasta: Corn Crunchies Roasted Veggies
- Rice: Grilled Edamame Crunchies.
- Salad: Corn Crunchies Roasted Veggies
Sweet Dishes
You can use fruit Crunchies as a garnish on just about any sweet dish, substituting for fresh fruit or to add color and crunch. Here are some of our favorite uses:
- Cakes & Cupcakes: Crush as confetti on icing. For a pink theme, crush up Strawberry and/or Raspberry Crunchies.
- Dessert Topping: Fold whole or crushed Crunchies into whipped cream or other dessert topping.
- French Toast: Add some Mixed Fruit Crunchies (see recipe on Crunchies website).
- Granola: Enhance your granola with Mango Crunchies and Strawberry
Crunchies (recipe for gluten-free granola).
- Muffins: Toss your favorite fruits into the batter.
- Pancakes: Any fruits, but try Blueberry Crunchies with blueberry pancakes and Banana Crunchies with banana pancakes (and this recipe for Strawberry Orange pancakes).
- Smoothies: Add any favorite fruit.
- Sparkling Wine: Add three Raspberry Crunchies or a Raspberry-Blueberry combi-nation to dress up any sparkling wine.
- Tea: Crunchies add flavor and beauty to any cup of tea or glass of iced tea (see photo at left).
- Trail Mix: Add a sweet note with your favorite fruit, a salty note with Edamame Crunchies.
- Yogurt Topping or Layered Parfait: We like Banana Crunchies and Strawberry Crunchies; but we add whatever we have at hand.
A small percent of the foods we review become “everyday foods” at both home and office. Crunchies are one of them: an easy way to meet our daily quota of fruit and vegetables (to borrow from Mary Poppins) in a most delightful way.
— Karen Hochman