
Manna Marshmallows, mint with chocolate striping, offer plenty to chew on. All photography by Corey Lugg | THE NIBBLE. Styling by Lauren LaPenna. |
WHAT IT IS: Gourmet marshmallows. |
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: Soft and fluffy, lovely natural flavors (and lots of them). |
WHY WE LOVE IT: A special alternative to the ubiquitous chocolate and other sweets (not that we’re complaining). |
WHERE TO BUY IT: See individual listings.

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
(& Easter) With Green Marshmallows
Page 3: Manna Mallows &
My Flour Garden
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Manna Mallows
These large (two-inch-square), light and airy mallows are made with honey as well as sugar. Paddy’s Mint, above and right, are striped with chocolate, and the flavor, very subtle at first, arcs and finishes on the palate with the delightful flavor of fresh peppermint. It’s very classy, as well as elegant to look at: You could serve it for dessert with a slice of chocolate pound cake and a glass of crème de menthe. And you couldn’t ask for more with a cup of hot chocolate.
Manna Mallow gourmet marshmallows are also made in Caramel Swirl, ChocoLot, Classic Vanilla, Mocha Madness and Strawberry Cream, plus seasonal specialties. Without doubt, they are manna from Marshmallow Heaven.
- 2-Marshmallow Package
- 6-Marshmallow Package
- 12-Marshmallow Package
Purchase online* at MannaMallows.com |

Elegant mint flavor, striped with chocolate, from Manna Marshmallows. |

The softest, melt-in-your-mouth marshmallow award goes to My Flour Garden. From top, Matcha, Pandan, Matcha Bean, Pandan and Matcha Bean. |
My Flour Garden
These jumbo marshmallow pillows (3 inches by 2 inches) are so soft, they seem to have been spun by angels. If St. Patrick had made it to Asia, he would have enjoyed these, in Matcha, Matcha Bean (with red beans) and Pandan, a leaf used to give hints of coconut flavor to sweet and savory Pacific Rim dishes. Vosges Chocolat pairs it with chocolate candies and ice cream; My Flour Garden tops it with lightly toasted coconut on the marshmallow. (If all this sounds a bit exotic, it just so happens that the green marshmallows come from the company’s “exotic” flavor collection.)
The Pandan will appeal to any lover of coconut flavor. The Matcha, with flecks of the tea barely visible throughout, is subtle enough that anyone can enjoy it. The Matcha Bean will appeal to lovers of the exotic, and is lovely to look at. For their texture alone, you must try these “pillows of the angels.” Other flavors include Banana Nutz, Crazy Citrus, Mocha Chipster, Mango Tango, Rocky Roadster, Trail Mix Madness and more. We would like an Easter basket of all of them. While the website is primitive (confectioners and bakers don’t have time to spend on these things), the outstanding products offset the distraction. Any web designers reading this should trade Carrie Carr, the gifted owner, a new site for some goodies.
- 6 Large (“King-Size”) Marshmallows
(shown here)
- 12 Regular (“Jumbo”) Marshmallows
Purchase online* at MyFlourGarden.com.
*Prices and product availability are verified at publication but are subject to change. Shipping is additional. These items are offered by a third party and THE NIBBLE has no relationship with them. Purchase information is provided as a reader convenience.
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