SoyQuick Automatic Soymilk Maker. It only costs about 80 cents for one pound of dry soybeans, which, in turn, can make about 1.8 gallons of soymilk.
MELODY LAN is a member of the THE NIBBLE editorial staff.
January 2006
SoyQuick Automatic Soymilk Maker
Soymilk and Tofu Made Fresh In Your Own Kitchen
Part I: Overview
CAPSULE REPORT: When we first heard about soymilk machines for making soymilk and tofu, we couldn’t understand why anyone would want to make either product when both are readily available at grocery stores. But then we asked ourselves why people purchase kitchen appliances like bread machines or smoothie blenders. An obvious answer came to mind after we tested the SoyQuick soymilk maker. All over the world, people make soymilk and tofu for the same reasons they choose to make other products at home: to enjoy foods in their most natural and freshest form and to have the freedom to customize flavors and consistency. While it’s not as easy as flipping a switch as you would on your espresso machine or twisting the cap off a juice carton, if you have at least 25 minutes (this includes clean-up time) 1 to 2 days a week, you can have a cup of fresh soymilk every morning for 7 days or a block of tofu to use for the week (tofu takes a bit longer to prepare). If you are only in search of a convenient glass of creamy soymilk to have with your breakfast, read our review of Pearl Organic Soymilk. If you revel in the satisfaction of consuming or handling products in their most pure state, no matter the length of time it takes to do so, please read on. This is Part 1 of a three-part article. Click on the black links below to read the other parts.
The SoyQuick Automatic Soymilk Maker requires time and patience to reap the full benefits of making fresh soymilk or tofu. Not only do the soybeans need to soak overnight, but the appliance must also be carefully maintained for future use. There are, however, many benefits to the product:
- The Tofu Kit: A Tofu Making Kit can be purchased from SoyQuick, which includes the plastic tofu mold, cheesecloth, and coagulant needed to make fresh tofu. If you’ve missed our background article on tofu, read All About Tofu.
- Ingredient Control: The machine makes wholesome soymilk. Additional ingredients added into the product are strictly up to the proprietor, making this appliance ideal for those who have dietary restrictions or simply enjoy coming up with creative soymilk flavors or tofu textures.
- Cost Effectiveness: You can have fresh, homemade soymilk and tofu for a lot cheaper than the store-bought types; 1 quart of milk can cost as low as 20 cents, and a 7- ounce square of tofu amounts to less than a dollar.
- Variety Option: Other “milks” derived from other products, including rice, almonds, and assorted beans can also be produced with the same appliance.
- Okara Making: While making fresh soymilk, the soymilk maker naturally yields okara, the cream-colored remnants of the finely ground soybeans. Its flavor resembles that of authentic coconut meat—not the artificial tropical flavor—and its consistency is similar to creamy polenta. Low in fat and high in fiber, okara is a delicious soybean byproduct often incorporated into recipes to give body to dishes like soups, casseroles and croquettes.

One cup of dry soybeans yields approximately 2 cups of okara. Photo courtesy of Xogij.Blogs.
