Roast a moister turkey with a Turkey Cannon.
November 2008
Turkey Cannon
Camp Chef’s Turkey Cannon Makes A Moist, Delicious Bird In Half The Time
CAPSULE REPORT: For most people, roasting a moist turkey is not the easiest thing to do. Camp Chef has a welcome solution with its Turkey Cannon. Using the Turkey Cannon is a fun and easy way to roast all types of poultry. The unique cooking method allows for speedy roasting time and a wonderfully browned and crispy bird. The clever roasting cylinder process leaves the meat of the turkey moist, juicy and flavorful—including succulent white meat.. Just add your favorite sides and you have perfect comfort food in just a couple of hours. This is Page 1 of a three-page article. Click on the black links below to visit other pages.
People seeking a moister turkey have tried many techniques, including “beer can turkey,” a variation of beer can chicken where an open can of beer is inserted into a chicken. The chicken is propped up so that it is sitting atop the can. This an old barbecue technique that steam to the inside of the chicken as it cooks, providing moisture as well as some potential flavor from the beer. The Turkey Cannon modifies that technique, with an easier-to-use apparatus that allows you to use the liquid of your choice.
Product Features
The Turkey Cannon consists of a steel, hollow roasting cylinder—the “cannon”—that attaches to a metal rack at about a 30-degree angle. The appliance is very easy to a ssemble; step-by-step directions are included, but all you really have to do is snap the cylinder onto its rack. The roasting cylinder is the key to the success of the Turkey Cannon. The cannon shaft is filled with about a cup of your choice of liquid (we used Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat Beer, but you can use broth or your own special combination). You then slide the turkey onto the cylinder, where it is infused with moisture from the cannon for the duration of the cooking time. The cannon:
- Is designed for outdoor grills and conventional ovens
- Has a sturdy stainless steel construction for stability and easy cleaning
- Has built-in side forks that keeps the bird from spinning, and are
much more stable than a beer can
Continue To Page 2: Using The Turkey Cannon
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