National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day is April 2. Make one on waffles (photo © Jif).
April 2005
Last Updated February 2025
April Food Holidays
Easter Is Huge...But Why Stop There?
There’s no need to worry about April showers when there are April food holidays to be celebrated!
- We’re not sure exactly how to celebrate National Food Month—it seems a bit redundant. Isn’t every month Food Month?

We’ll celebrate National Glazed Spiral Ham Day, April 15th, with this beauty from Smithfield. |

Celebrate National Cherry Cheesecake Day, April 23, with this recipe (photo © Liv Friis-Larsen | iStock Photo). |
*National Tomato Day is June 1st. April is National Florida Tomato Month. October is National Tomato Month.
**National Gin & Tonic Day is April 19th, and International Gin & Tonic Day is October 19th. World Gin Day is June 15th.
***February 27th is The Big Breakfast Day. September is National Breakfast Month. April is National Brunch Month.
†National Tea Day in the U.K. is held on Queen Elizabeth’s birthday, April 21st. In the U.S., National Hot Tea Month is January and National Hot Tea Day in the U.S. is January 12th.
††This is a celebration for Dr. Who fans, inspired by an episode in which the 11th Dr. Who (Matt Smith) dipped his fish sticks into vanilla custard. Unusual as it sounds, fans tried it and loved it. Originally celebrated on April 3, 2012, it’s now an annual celebration.
‡September 2nd is National Grits for Breakfast Day.
‡‡National Beer Day is April 7th. American Craft Beer Week is the third week in May. National IPA Day is the first Thursday in August. International Beer Day is the first Friday in August. American Beer Day is October 27th. Here are more beer holidays.
‡‡‡National Poutine Day is variously celebrated on March 5th and April 11th.