If cooking Thanksgiving Dinner was a bit too much work, plan ahead for Christmas and New Years. Impressive first courses like these Mediterranean Purses from MackenzieLtd.com are just “heat and eat,” as are our Top Pick Of The Week, Kabobs frozen hors d’oeuvres.
We love the November issue. In addition to being chock-full of yummy Thanksgiving foods (both reviews and recipes), our regular Special Sweets and Picks Of The Week sections feature items that can double as holiday gifts (our entire December issue will be food gifts galore). Even our Continuing Education section is focused on foods people use more of around holiday time.
We’re pleased to announce that our Water Editor, Michael Mascha, has published the first book on the world’s leading bottled waters. It’s reviewed in this issue, and makes a nice stocking-stuffer for anyone who loves bottled waters.
In addition to this monthly online magazine, we e-mail our Top Food Pick Of The Week newsletter to opt-in subscribers. If you don’t already receive it, click here to have it delivered directly to your e-mailbox. Of the thousands of specialty foods we taste each year, these 52 weekly recommendations are our favorites for both home use and gift-giving. You won’t want to miss them!
THE NIBBLE™ does not sell the foods we review
or receive fees from manufacturers for recommending them.
Our recommendations are based purely on our opinion, after tasting thousands of products each year, that they represent the best in their respective categories. |


Newsletter |
Click here to read the Editors’
top food pick of the week in THE NIBBLE™ newsletter |
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Gourmet News
Click here to read the weekly Gourmet News—industry news and perspectives |
Product Reviews
Main Nibbles™
Diet, kosher & organic products are reviewed below. Main Nibbles products that also are diet, kosher and/or organic are re-listed in those sections, along
with products that are
exclusive to those
sections. |
Find almost 1000 articles and reviews in prior months’ issues and newsletter archives (top picks of the week). |
Product Reviews
Diet Nibbles |
Product Reviews
& Articles
Kosher Nibbles |
Product Reviews
Organic, Natural &
Wellness Foods |
Features/Reference Articles
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