Our favorite tea and coffee service—the one we bought for ourselves—is this exquisite set hand-crafted in Italy: Archimede by Stella. The espresso set is shown: we also have the whistling tea kettle.
December 2005
Luxury Gifts
For Those Who Have It All...And Those Who Can Afford To Bestow It
It’s not the gift, it’s the thought that counts. Here are gifts that are thoughtful, and show you threw a few shekels into the game as well.
- Prices and item availability are verified at publication but subject to change over time. While we do our best to keep information updated, if you find changes before we do, click here to give us the 411.
- In most cases, shipping and taxes are additional.
- How about a free gift for yourself, first? If you’d like our “Top Product Pick of the Week” e-mailed to you each Tuesday, click here to sign up for our free newsletter.
Gift categories include:
Food |
Bling H2O
Spring Water
The most luxurious bottled water in the world is this limited-edition water created by (who else) a Hollywood producer, who saw that even celebrities came to be “branded” by the water bottles they carried. Bling H2O is corked like a fine wine in a frosted 750ml wine-size bottle and is hand-decorated with Swarovski crystals. The water inside the bottle comes from the award-winning Stoneclear Springs in Tennessee, but the real gift is the “blinged-out” bottle. The chain wrapped around the neck is a separate gift... and this is such a more innovative way to give diamonds than that plain black velvet box.
- Bling H2O bottle with Swarovski
$240.00 Case of 12
To purchase , visit DoYouBling.com
or telephone 1.866.827.5761
Click here to read our full review. |
Caviar Etc.
A Year of Caviar
Receive 1, 2, 4 or 8 ounces of caviar each month (depending on the type). Each monthly package will include 16 of our Russian Style Blini, a container of crème fraîche and a small mother of pearl caviar spoon, and one of the following: Imperial Beluga, American Hackleback Caviar, Russian Dark Ossetra Caviar, Alaskan Red Salmon Roe, Russian Sevruga Caviar, Iranian Imperial Ossetra, Imperial Beluga Caviar, Golden Whitefish Caviar, Baerii Caviar (Uruguay), American Paddlefish Caviar, Imperial Ossetra Caviar, and Iranian Imperial Caviar.
- 12 Monthly Caviar Shipments

A different caviar every month for a year. |
Club Recchiuti
Imagine getting a different box of Michael Recchiuti’s best treats each month—Key Lime Apples, S’Mores Kit, Oeufs de Pâques, Pâtes de Fruits, Burnt Caramel Almonds, Dessert Sauces, Chocolate Bars, Key Lime Pears, Fleur de Sel Caramels, and three boxes of chocolates.
- Club Recchiuti 12 Month Membership

Key Lime Pears |
Cowgirl Creamery
Artisan Cheese Clubs
The gift of a fine artisan cheese month after month is truly a luxurious one. Cowgirl Creamery produces award-winning and palate tantalizing cheeses that will put any cheese-lover into a state of nirvana. Their cheese “clubs” are always high on our gift list.
- Cheese-All-The-Time Club (12 Months)
A one-pound wedge or wheel of cheese delivered each month.
$420 plus FedEx Next Day shipping
- Around the World Club (6 Months)
Six times throughout the year a different selection of cheese will be sent from cheesemakers around the world.
$300 plus FedEx Next Day shipping
- Give It a Whirl Club (3 Months)
This club offers the same collection of cheeses as the Around the World Club, and allows you to choose what month you want your cheeses to start.
$150 plus FedEx Next Day shipping

Magnificent Seven and Three Sisters
A gift of caviar from the most prestigious purveyor in America is always a good choice. Petrossian’s Magnificent Seven Gift Collection includes 30 grams each of five magnificent caviars: Imperial Special Reserve Persicus, Imperial Special Reserve Stellatus, Alverta President, Tsar Imperial Sevruga and Tsar Imperial Transmontanus. There’s a “bonus” of two whole duck foie gras. Another sure pleaser is the Three Sisters package Caviar, smoked salmon and foie gras form the cornerstone of the House of Petrossian. This majestic trio includes Sevruga caviar, North Atlantic smoked salmon, and whole duck foie gras.
- Magnificent Seven
Five Caviars & Foie Gras
- Three Sisters
Sevruga Caviar, Smoked Salmon,
& Foie Gras
Petrossian.com |

Above, the Magnificent Seven: 5 caviars and 2 foie gras. Below, Three Sisters: caviar, smoked salmon & foie gras.

Burlwood Chocolate Vault
One of the most luxurious gifts in chocolatedom, this hand-crafted burlwood chest holds Richart’s complete collection of chocolate families—seven drawers worth of incredible chocolates. The craftsmanship of the chest itself warrants its hefty price tag, but the fact that the recipient gets to experience all of Richart’s flavor families—balsamic, citrus, floral, fruity, herbal, roasted and spiced varieties—is sheer heaven. The humidity-controlled vault is a perfect storage environment for chocolate.
Custom Chocolate Artwork
Sugart will create custom chocolate and candy sculptures by on any theme you wish, be it a 6' x 6' “edible lawn” made of chocolate and green Jelly Bellys® with pink flamingos (detail below); your violin, dog or horse; the orchestra pit of the Vienna Philharmonic; or a bust of your loved one, (price varies according to project).

Detail of lawn of chocolate and jelly bellies by Sugart. Original was 6 feet square and included pink flamingoes. |
Wine |
Dom Perignon
Richard Meier Limited Edition
When is half a case of Dom Perignon better than a whole case? When it’s six bottles of 1995 Dom Perignon in a limited-production lucite case designed by architect Richard Meier. Only 250 of these collectibles were produced.
- $2,200
- At www.877Spirits.com while supplies last
Executive Wine Seminars
Private Wine Tasting
Give the celebrant a private wine tasting in his/her home, club, or other favorite locale. Choose wines, champagnes, or ports from their birth or wedding year or other special vintage. Executive Wine Seminars is based in metropolitan New York but can travel to conduct custom events using your wines, or will acquire rare wines based on your interests.
- Prices $1,500 and up plus cost of travel
and wines
- Call 1.800.404.WINE
Appliances |
FrancisFrancis! Espresso Machines
These chic Italian espresso machines not only adds color and beauty to any kitchen counter— they turn the breakfast nook into a Roman café. Designed by Italian architect and designer Lucca Trazzi, these enamel-coated steel machines make magnificent espresso with unbeatable crema, using either ground espresso beans or ESE (Easy Serving Espresso) pods. A temperature gauge lets you know precisely when the machine is ready. The professional steam mechanism provides ample power for light, frothy milk. Includes ground coffee holder, coffee pod holder and one package of Illy® coffee pods. In Black, Electric Blue (at right), Green, Orange (at right), Pink, Red, Stainless, and White.
- FrancisFrancis! I
Click here to purchase or for more information.

Above, the original FrancisFrancis design. Below, the FrancisFrancis! x5, in 8 decorator colors.
Stella Archimede
Amazingly, only one retailer in America carries this incredible line of Italian hand-crafted wares in 18/10 stainless steel (it looks like heavy chrome): a specialty store in the state of Washington. It’s one of the most beautiful lines we’ve ever seen—like works of sculpture—and we see everything on the market. We bought it for ourselves. When the water is boiling, the star whistles.
- Whistling Tea Kettle
1 Liter $90.00
2 Liter
- Whistling Espresso Makers
2 Cup $89.00
4 Cup $95.00
6 Cup $105
- Espresso Cup/Saucer
Set of Two $48.50
- Coffee Cup and Saucer
For more information visit
or telephone
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. PST, Sundays 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. |

Other Luxuries |
Smythson of Bond Street
Everything from this British company is of impeccable quality, but we are particularly fond of their Brunches, Lunches, Suppers, Dinners’ Book for our friends who love to entertain, and their Contemporary Style Wine Notes Book, Contemporary Style Cellar Book and the Panama Wine Memoranda for the oenophiles in our lives. Brunches, Lunches, Suppers, Dinners’ Book contains places for recording formal or informal parties, each double spread has a table plan and space for recording guests, menu and wines. These hard, leather-bound books come in black or red pigskin and are filled with Smythson White Wove watermarked paper, with a gilt edge.
Smythson.com |

