All ketchups are hardly created equal, as you’ll see in our review of 42 different brands. Photo © Claudio Beldini |Fotolia.
STEPHANIE ZONIS is a Contributing Editor at THE NIBBLE.
October 2007
Last Updated August 2010
A Fresh Look At Ketchup
Page 8: Tomato Ketchup Reviews ~ L To Z
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*Favorite Product ‡Organic Product †Kosher Product
Tomato-Based Ketchups L To Z
- *Montebello Curry Ketchup. Aroma: tomatoes and curry. Taste: Tomatoes and curry. Per one tablespoon serving: 10 calories, 2g sugars, 90mg sodium. First ingredient: tomato paste. Sweetener: agave nectar. The light curry flavor makes this ketchup a standout. Read our full review of Montebello Curry Ketchup, a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week.
- *Montebello Chipotle Ketchup. Aroma: tomatoes and spice. Taste: Tomatoes and chipotle. Per one tablespoon serving: 10 calories, 2g sugars, 90mg sodium. First ingredient: tomato paste. Sweetener: agave nectar. First ingredient: tomato paste. The level of chipotle provides a mild buzz without covering up the rich tomato flavor. Read our full review of Montebello Chipotle Ketchup, a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week.
*†‡Muir Glen Organic Tomato Ketchup (photo at right). Aroma: cooked tomatoes and sweet spices. Taste: tomatoes, cloves, and cinnamon, with some vinegar aftertaste. Very high sodium level, but a favorite for flavor. Per one tablespoon serving: 20 calories, 3g sugars, 230mg sodium. First ingredient: organic tomato purée (organic tomato paste and water). Sweetener: naturally milled sugar. Date coded. Certified kosher by The Organized Kashrus Laboratories.
- Spicy Mike’s Gourmet Ketchup. Aroma: tomato soup plus plastic from the bottle. Taste: This ketchup, made from ketchup and high fructose corn syrup, didn’t stand a chance against the true artisan brands we tasted. It tasted a bit sour and unappealing in the group we tasted it with—which included three "favorite products.” No nutritional values given. First ingredient: Ketchup.
- Stonewall Kitchen Country Ketchup. Aroma: tomatoes, onions and a bit of vinegar. Taste: sweet, tomato-y, slight salt, some vinegar and a touch of heat. Multiple flavor levels. Chunky texture and thicker than most others. Per one tablespoon serving: 20 calories, 4g sugars, 99mg sodium. First ingredient: tomatoes (tomato juice, citric acid and calcium chloride) and tomato paste. Sweetener: cane sugar. Date coded.
*Tracklements Tomato & Pepper Ketchup (photo at right) Aroma: sharp but not vinegary, tomatoes. Taste: sweet, tomatoes and vinegar, with a little heat at the back of your throat. Somewhat chunky texture. No nutrition information. First ingredient: tomatoes. Sweetener: sugar. A favorite, made in the U.K.—“tracklement” is a British term meaning an accompaniment to the centerpiece of a meal. Date coded.
- †Wegman’s Tomato Ketchup (no online sales). Aroma: vinegar, some tomato. Taste: sweet, salty, some tomato, some vinegar aftertaste. Per one tablespoon serving: 15 calories, 4g sugars, 190mg sodium. First ingredient: tomato concentrate. Sweetener: high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup. Date coded. Certified kosher by The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations.
- †Westbrae Natural Fruit Sweetened Ketchup. Aroma: tomato, vinegar, and spices. Taste: tomato, sharp with definite vinegary aftertaste. Thicker consistency than most, almost like tomato paste. Per one tablespoon serving: 10 calories, 2g sugars, 70mg sodium. First ingredient: tomato paste. Sweetener: fruit juice concentrate (apple and/or pear). Aroma: tomato, vinegar, and spices. Taste: tomato, sharp, with definite vinegary aftertaste. No date code. Thicker consistency than most, almost like tomato paste. Certified kosher by The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations.
- †Westbrae Natural Unsweetened Ketchup. Aroma: faint tomato-spice, but not much aroma at all. Taste: tomato, sharp, and rather flat. Thicker consistency than most, almost like tomato paste. Per one tablespoon serving: 5 calories, less than 1g sugars, 70mg sodium. First ingredient: water (tomato paste is the second ingredient). Sweetener: none added. No date code. Certified kosher by The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations.
- ‡Whole Foods Market 365 Organic Tomato Ketchup (no online sales). Aroma: cooked tomatoes and vinegar. Taste: sweet, salty and sharp, with tomatoes lurking in the background. Somewhat vinegary aftertaste. Per one tablespoon serving: 20 calories, 4 g sugars, 160 mg sodium. First ingredient: organic tomato puree. Sweetener: organic sugar. No date code.
- Whole Foods Market 365 Tomato Ketchup (no online sales). Aroma: vinegar and cooked tomatoes. Taste: salty, sweet, and sharp, with an overwhelming vinegar aftertaste. Per one tablespoon serving: 20 calories, 4g sugars, 160mg sodium. First ingredient: tomato purée. Sweetener: evaporated cane juice. No date code.
*‡Wholemato Agave Ketchup. Aroma: Deep, masculine tomato and aromas, including a touch of cinnamon. Taste: Wholemato is both sweet (from the agave nectar) and tart (from cider vinegar), with an interesting blend of spices. We prefer ketchup made with low-glycemic instead of HFCS or even organic sugar. Per one tablespoon serving: 15 calories, 3g sugars, 230mg sodium. First ingredient: organic tomato purée. Sweetener: agave nectar.
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