Chocolate Fondue & White Chocolate Fondue Recipes
Page 3: Chocolate Fondue Dippers
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What should you serve with your chocolate fondue? An assortment of fresh fruits, dried fruits, cookies/cakes, candies (crystallized ginger, marshmallows) and salty, crunchy counterpoints like potato chips and pretzels.
Kids will enjoy dipping jelly beans. You don‘t need to spear everything with a fondue fork: Chips, cookies and pretzels can be hand-dipped directly into the pot.
Fresh Fruits
Dried Fruits
Cake & Cookies |
- Apples
- Bananas
- Cherries
- Grapes
- Kiwi
- Melon
- Orange/Mandarin Segments
- Pear
- Pineapple
- Strawberries
- Raspberries
- Apricots
- Cherries
- Dates
- Figs
- Mangoes
- Papaya
- Peaches
- Persimmons
- Prunes
- Amaretti
- Angel Food Cake
- Biscotti
- Brownie Chunks
- Churros
- Cookies (Chocolate
Chip, Oatmeal)
- Donuts (Pieces, Holes,
- Graham Crackers
- Granola Bars
- Lady Fingers
- Meringues
- Pound Cake
- Shortbread
- Tea Biscuits
Confections |
Salty Snacks |
More |
- Crystallized Ginger
- Marshmallows*
- Jelly Beans
- Your Imagination
Set out dishes of garnishes, so after dipping in chocolate, you can dip the fruit, cake, etc. in:
- Chopped nuts
- Coconut
- Mini chocolate chips
- Toffee/buttercrunch chips
- Sprinkles
- Etc.
Go To The Article Index Above
*See our article on gourmet marshmallows. Large marshmallows can be cut into smaller pieces.

Strawberry dipped in chocolate fondue dipped in toasted coconut. Photo courtesy Cooking Clarified. |