Old Fashioned Candy
The Best Gourmet Classic Candy: Oldies And Goodies
What kind of old-fashioned candy do we review? What Grandma and Grandpa ate when they were kids...when candy was made out of natural ingredients...and now, thanks to artisan producers, has been restored to that glory. Old-fashioned caramels, caramel apples, fudge, hard candy, licorice, marshmallow, peanut brittle, peanut butter cups, pralines: We’re always on the hunt for the best. If you want to recommend the best old-fashioned candy, send us a note.
We started our blog in 2007, and you’ll find most new content there.
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Candy With No Chocolate |
Fudge & Chocolate-Covered
Marshmallows & More
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Nibble Tip
Treat your friends to excellent cupcakes and then let them decorate the tops with old-fashioned candies. Nothing from the kids’ candy stand—go to a good candy store and buy top-quality mini-nonpareils, gum drops, and other treats (or go to Marich.com and buy direct). Old-fashioned candies and old-fashioned cupcakes are a match made in heaven.

Photo of cupcake with Guittard nonpareils by Corey Lugg | THE NIBBLE.
