Dog treats that look like exactly like people food—so much so that the people we give them to don’t believe their for pets! These would fit on any petit fours plate. Photos by Melody Lan.
December 2005
Taxi’s Dog Bakery
Decorative Dog Treats and Fun Cat Goods
The first thing to be said for Taxi’s dog treats are: they’re indistinguishable from human cookies. They are the most beautiful pet biscuits we have ever seen; and ran among the top 20% of people cookies we have seen as well. If every people bakery made cookies as beautiful as these, the standard of baking in America would be raised 100 percent.
The next thing to be said about Taxi’s products is that they are made of 100% human-grade, all-natural ingredients that are also pet-friendly: wheatmeal, molasses, and a yogurt glaze. You and your dog could enjoy a box together, in public, and no one would be the wiser.
In fact, the packages have to be labeled DOG TREATS with a bone icon, since it’s too easy for a mere mortal to be tempted by these luscious baked goods.
Packages have to be labeled “Dog Treats” so humans don’t dig in. |
Whatever the holiday season, Taxi’s has simply exquisite designs: ghosts and pumpkins for Halloween, Santas and stockings for Christmas, Valentine hearts, Easter bunnies...
There are big treats for big dogs, tiny treats for little dogs. No matter what size your dog, he or she will thank you mightily for a box of these treats. WARNING: buy a lot, or you will have one disappointed pup on your hands after the last morsel is gone. |
Kitties, who by nature do not chow down on biscuits, are not left out: Taxi’s Dog Bakery makes tubes of treats for cats on the go: Little Round Treats are like chocolate morsels, but made of healthy stuff for cats; and Catfish are like “Goldfish” for humans.
As you can tell from the theme, the folks at Taxi’s Dog Bakery love to eat well themselves, and want to share their love of fine food with their four-footed friends...in the way that’s wholesome and healthy. We are so impressed with the quality and beauty of these foods, we hope they go into the people food business some day.
Taxi’s Dog Bakery
Cookies for Dogs and Cats
- Dog Bone Gift Box,
- Dog Truffle Box,
4 pieces
- Dog Yogurt-Glazed Donut Treats
6 pack
- On-the-Go Catfish Treats
.5 ounce tube,
- On-the-Go Little Round Cat Treats
1 ounce tube
For retailer information call 1.413.568.7040
Shipping and tax additional. Prices and flavor availability are verified at publication but are subject to change over time. |

Dog Bone Gift Box. A box of mini morsels for tiny dogs. |
Lifestyle Direct, Inc. All rights reserved. Images are the copyright of their respective owners.
