A classic Middle Eastern dip like hummos, thousands of years old, looks ultra-modern in a contemporary serving piece—and tastes universally delicious,
Middle Eastern Cookbooks
Healthy And Easy-To-Make
Most of us have been lucky enough to have great meze like hummos and baba ganoush with pita, and a tasty baklava for dessert. And who doesn’t like kebabs and pilaf? But there’s so much more to Middle Eastern cuisine. If you’d like to recommend a favorite book, click here. And if you love Middle Eastern flavors, be sure to check out the devastatingly good ice creams of Mashti Malone.
Book Reviews |
- Lebanese Cuisine, by Dawn Anthony,
Elaine Anthony and Selwa Anthony
reviewed in tandem with
- Turkish Cuisine by Tess Mallos
Nibble Tip
Not only are the flavors wonderful—Middle Eastern cooking gives you the opportunity to buy some beautiful new plates. Look for a few stunning ethnic serving pieces that will match with solid-color plates that you can use for all occasions.
