
Made from “the best stuff,” these moist, fudgy brownies get an “A.” Photography by Corey Lugg | THE NIBBLE. Styling by Lauren LaPenna. Garnished with grated Guittard chocolate. Plate from Kohl’s. |
WHAT IT IS: Gourmet brownies. |
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: Moist, fudgy, top-quality brownies from a socially responsible company. |
WHY WE LOVE IT: These delectable recipes have all the right stuff, yet are never too rich. You can have your cake and eat it too, and not feel stuffed. |
WHERE TO BUY IT: BTBaking.com. |

B.T. Brownies: The Moist, Fudgy Real Deal
CAPSULE REPORT: If an MBA and a corporate career turns out not to be your path to happiness, follow your passion and bake brownies. That’s what Todd Kelly did, and we give the results an “A.”
His business is also socially conscious, using Fair Trade chocolate and supporting local farmers—all of the dairy and egg products come from small, family-owned farms in Lancaster County, outside of Philadelphia. One percent of sales are donated to the organization For The Planet, which gives to environmental groups worldwide. (Your company can join, too.)
Many bakers claim to make a “moist, fudgy brownie” but don’t know the meaning of the terms (here they are). Todd Kelly truly delivers on this promise, but his recipes are so elegant that the brownies are never too rich. This is a good thing, of course, but on the other hand, it enables you to eat brownie after brownie without ever feeling like you’ve overindulged. You can taste the goodness in the products—and we mean that sincerely. There’s no refined sugar; the brownies use organic evaporated cane juice. The organic butter is rBGH-free.
In five flavors—including perhaps the best peanut butter brownie we’ve ever had—plus two more flavors available in sheets for parties. A perfect gift for dad or grad—if for some reason they don’t like brownies, pretend you didn’t know and enjoy them all yourself (brownies freeze beautifully). Read the full review below.
THE NIBBLE does not sell the foods we review
or receive fees from manufacturers for recommending them.
Our recommendations are based purely on our opinion, after tasting thousands of products each year, that they represent the best in their respective categories. |
More Bodacious Brownies
The History Of The Brownie. Brownies are an all-American invention—perhaps that’s why we love them so much. Check it out. |
Brownie Styles. Do you use these terms correctly: Fudgy, moist, rich? Most people don’t! Lean the correct brownie terminology. |
Glamour Brownies. Another Top Pick Of The Week, from Ruby et Violette. Take a look at these glamour gourmet brownies. |
B.T. Brownies: The Moist, Fudgy Real Deal
This is Page 1 of a three-page article. Click on the black links to visit other pages.
B.T. Brownies—B.T. for “Better Together”—is the story of a corporate financial analyst whose MBA did not buy him the career satisfaction he had hoped for. An epiphany—and his wife’s approval—led him to turn his passion for baking into a career. He gets our approval, too, based on the three varieties of brownies we have tasted. We hope that everyone in Philadelphia—and brownie lovers nationwide—will beat a path to his door and try his brownie recipes. Todd Kelly and his wife, Kestra, have shown that a concept that is “Better Together” produces a very fine brownie.

A farmer from the Kuapa Kokoo Farmers Cooperative shows his cacao beans.
Todd uses premium organic ingredients and Fair Trade Chocolate, which ensures small farmers in foreign countries where cacao is grown receive a fair price for their product. In fact, B.T.’s chocolate is made by Divine, a fine brand of chocolate made from beans produced by the Kuapa Kokoo Farmers Cooperative in Ghana. We won’t riff into the exploitation of cacao farmers, except to say that we buy Fair Trade products whenever we can. Please take a minute to read more about Fair Trade, and read our review of Divine Chocolate.
The company supports local farmers, purchasing all of its dairy and egg products from small, family-owned farms in Lancaster County, outside of Philadelphia. The organic butter is rBGH-free. You can taste the goodness in the products—and we mean that sincerely. There’s no refined sugar; the brownies use organic evaporated cane juice. Finally, this socially-conscious company donates 1% of its sales to the organization 1% For The Planet, which gives to environmental groups worldwide. Your company can join too.
Now that you feel even better about eating B.T. Brownies, let’s take a look at them.
— Karen Hochman
Continue To Page 2: Brownie Styles, Brownie Flavors
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