Top Pick Of The Week

September 22, 2009

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Vegan Meat Loaf

Marvelous meatloaf: All grain, it could pass for the real thing. Photography by Hannah Kaminsky | THE NIBBLE.

WHAT IT IS: A line of 100% vegan grain-based products that look and taste like meat.
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: Not only does it look and taste like meat; it tastes like delicious meat. Even when cooking, the aromas are meatylicious.
WHY WE LOVE IT: We could say that it’s the best alternative to meat we’ve ever had; but it’s better—more flavorful and healthier—than a lot of meat we’ve had! It makes it easy for us to do our part to save the planet by going meatless two days a week, while we still serve “meaty” food to those who want it.

Meet Field Roast Grain Meat: Vegan “Meat” That Could Fool You
Page 2: Varieties Of Field Roast Products

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Varieties Of Field Roast Grain Meat

Think you won’t like these vegan meats as much as the real thing? Field Roast Grain Meat Company will make a believer out of you.

Classic Meatloaf. Just like Mom’s, without the meat.* This is true comfort food, ready for the mashed potatoes and peas. The package directions suggest that you glaze the meatloaf with ketchup before heating in the oven. If that’s how you like your meatloaf, go ahead. Our Mom is a bit more of a gourmet: She bakes her meatloaf in a fresh tomato sauce of red and green bell peppers, mushrooms and onions, which is then spooned over the slices, which is how we enjoy our meatloaf. Here’s an easy recipe for a delicious, low-calorie stovetop variation of Mom’s sauce:

Sauté or steam the veggies and heat in a saucepan with a can of diced San Marzano tomatoes. Snip in a tablespoon of any fresh herbs you have on hand: oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme, etc. Add salt and pepper to taste. Spoon over meat loaf.

*In full disclosure, wheat gluten has a bit of a rubbery texture, but it didn’t bother us one bit. We hate to even mention it, for fear of predisposing people against wheat gluten. Forget we ever said it.


Vegan Meat Sandwich
We saved our leftover Celebration Roast for sandwiches (shown here with a roasted red pepper). The Classic Meatloaf and Original Field Roast Loaves also make great sandwiches, and are sold as Deli Slices as well as in whole loaves.

The meatloaf can also be used in pasta sauce, to make stuffed peppers or in any recipe calling for “ground meat.”

Original Field Roast Loaves  & Deli Slices. In three varieties, Lentil Sage, Smoked Tomato and Wild Mushroom, the loaves (think of a meatloaf) can be served with gravy or condiments for lunch or dinner. With rich, savory aromas and bold, meaty flavors they’re a great way to go meatless. The leftovers can be sliced for sandwiches; presliced Deli Slices are also available.

Field Roast Sausages. In Italian, Mexican Chipotle and Smoked Apple Sage, we promise you: No one will know they’re not eating meat when you put one of these sausages in a hot dog roll (try Rudi’s organic hot dog rolls or other whole grain rolls). We added our new favorite hot dog condiment, Mezzetta’s Pickled Jalapeño Slices. (The pickling removes a lot of the heat while maintaining zip and flavor.)

  • Italian Sausage, our favorite, is heady with garlic, oregano and fennel, and is perfect with pasta or on pizza.
  • Mexican Chipotle Sausage delivers authentic Mexican flavors and heat (it’s made with a spicy-hot blend of smoked Chipotle peppers, Chili de Arbol peppers). Serve it with rice and beans or use it to fill burritos, tacos or tamales. It also pairs well with fried and scrambled eggs and, as with the other varieties, can be sliced and incorporated into omelets.
  • Smoked Apple Sage is a good breakfast sausage.
  • Serve one of each flavor as a “mixed grill” entrée with rice and salad.

Field Roast Sausages
We couldn’t be happier with our new-found, healthy hot dog alternatives. In front, hot and spicy Mexican Chipotle Sausage with Mezzetta’s Pickled Jalapeño Slices. At rear, Italian Sausage.

Celebration Roast. Ending with a bang, Field Roast Grain Meat Co.’s piéce de rèsistance is perhaps the Celebration Roast. It looks like a stuffed breast of veal (see photo on Page 1) with a sausage-style stuffing (in this case, butternut squash, apples and mushrooms seasoned with rosemary, thyme and sage). We enjoyed every bite.

We may not be ready to give up all meat, but it’s comforting to know that if we had to—say, if someone offered us $10,000,000 to give up meat forever—we could accept, and be happy customers of Field Roast Grain Meat Co.

—Karen Hochman


Celebration Roast, Classic Meatloaf, Deli Slices, Field Roast Sausages, Original Field Roast Loaves

  • Celebration Roast
    1 Pound
  • Classic Meatloaf
    1 Pound
  • Deli Slices
    12.95 Ounces (About 9 Slices/Pack)
  • Field Roast Sausage
    12.95 Ounces (4 Sausages)

Available at retailers nationwide. See stores on website. Purchase online* at

For more information visit

*Prices and product availability are verified at publication but are subject to change. Shipping is additional. These items are offered by a third party and THE NIBBLE has no relationship with them. Purchase information is provided as a reader convenience.

Celebration Roast

The Celebration Roast, boxed for a celebration.

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