Rolled cookies are rolled-out dough that are shaped with cookie cutters. They can be further decorated, like the Chocolate Tangerine Cutouts above. Photo and recipe courtesy Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board.
July 2010
Last Updated January 2013
Favorite Cookies
Page 8: Refrigerator Cookie, Rice Krispies Treat, Rolled Cookie & Other Types Beginning With R
This glossary features favorite cookies; this page contains cookie types beginning with the letters R, including refrigerator cookie, Rice Krispies Treat, rolled cookies and rugelach. See our many other informative food glossaries—especially the Cake Glossary and Pastry Glossary. There are thousands of different cookies in the world; this glossary’s objective is to highlight those found in the U.S. Please use the Contact Us link to report any missing entries.
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A marzipan cookie with multiple colored layers, coated in chocolate.
One of the eight basic types of cookies, refrigerator cookies are made from a stiff dough that is refrigerated in logs until it becomes hard. The logs are then sliced into rounds and baked. Examples include pinwheels and shortbread.
A childhood favorite, no-bake cookie. The recipe was invented in 1928 by Mildred Day and others in the home economics department at The Kellogg Company. It was created as a fund raiser-for the Camp Fire Girls, a nationwide American youth organization. The recipe consists of butter, marshmallows and Rice Rice Krispies cereal. The butter and marshmallows are melted together, blended with the Rice Krispies and pressed into a pan. When cool, they are cut into bars. Many subsequent variations include other ingredients, from chocolate to licorice and gummi bears. Read our review of Milk & Krunchies, a gourmet re-thinking of Rice Krispies treats.
 Milk & Krunchies, a gourmet version of Rice Krispies Treats. Photo by Hannah Kaminsky | THE NIBBLE. |
French for coconut macaroons.
One of the eight basic types of cookies, rolled cookies are made from a stiffer dough that is chilled and then rolled out and cut into shapes with a cookie cutter, knife or pastry wheel. Gingerbread men are an example (as are any cookie made with a cookie cutter).
 Gingerbread men decorated with royal icing. Recipe at McCormick.com. |
Rolled cookies are delicate, wafer-thin cookies that, along with fan-shaped cookies (gaufrettes), are popular garnishes for ice cream. The dough can be plain or embellished with finely-chopped nuts. The wafers can be rolled plain, or filled with creams of all flavors.
The hard icing used to decorate cookies. Traditionally an uncooked mixture of egg whites, powdered sugar and lemon juice, people wary of salmonella have turned to pasteurized egg whites or meringue powder to create the stiffness.
 The popular Pirouette cookies are examples of rolled wafer cookies. Rolled wafers are also called flutes. Photo courtesy Pepperidge Farm. |
Rugelach are often classified as cookies, but they are really miniature pastries: soft dough with filling. Fruit preserves (apricot, raspberry), raisins, nuts, and chocolate are the most popular fillings; walnut-and-currant is another common filling. There are two basic rugelach shapes: snail, shown in the photo, and horn or crescent. The cream cheese dough is an American invention, as cream cheese did not exist in Europe. The European recipe was made with sour cream. Since rugelach was made in perhaps a dozen European countries by bakers who spoke a dozen different languages, it has been variously spelled rugelah, rugalah, rugelach, rugalach, rugulah, ruggelach and ruggalach. See also schnecken.
 Rugelach from Suzanne’s Sweets. Photo by Melody Lan | THE NIBBLE. |
See Bourbon ball.
A hard, dry, twice-baked cookie that achieves a dryness like biscotti, but without the flavorings of biscotti. It is thus blander, and popularly given to teething infants. The shelf life of biscotti is three to four months without preservatives or additives. The cookies are called a rusk in English and Dutch, biscotte in French and zwieback in German. Biscotti date back at least to second century Rome. Early seaman’s biscuits, known as hard tack, are a variation. See the history of biscotti.

Rusks are great for dipping. Photo courtesy KashmirCrownBakeries.com. |
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