Top Pick Of The Week

January 6, 2009
Updated November 2009

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Ayala Water

Organic-certified flavored water, infused with herbs, spices and some citrus, are a smash!

WHAT IT IS: Unsweetened bottled water flavored with herbs and spices.
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: Beyond the herb and spice flavors, it’s the first national line of flavored water that’s organically-certified.
WHY WE LOVE IT: The sophisticated infusions of lavender, lemongrass, thyme and jasmine elevate flavored water to a new level.
WHERE TO BUY IT: and retailers nationwide, including Central Market, Food Emporium, Giant, HEB, Raley’s, Safeway, Wegmans, Whole Foods Market and many natural food and specialty food stores.

Ayala’s Herbal Water: Zero Calories, Mega Excitement

Page 3: Sage Popcorn Recipe

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Fresh Sage Popcorn Recipe

After Dr. Cahana learned, along with the rest of us, that microwaveable popcorn contains diacetyl, she began to make popcorn the old-fashioned way. Diacetyl is a natural flavor that gives microwaveable popcorn the buttery aroma. Heated diacetyl vapor, when inhaled over a long period of time, inflames and scars small airways in the lungs. The severe form of the condition is an untreatable disease called called bronchiolitis obliterans or “popcorn workers’ lung.” It is now suggested that consumers who are very heavy users of microwaveable popcorn may also be at risk.

Popping kernels in oil, she uses the same fresh herbs she used to infuse water, to make the popcorn more special. Here’s her recipe for sage popcorn. “It gives the popcorn sophistication and spark,” Dr. Cahana says, “but also adds a lot of health benefits.”


  • 2 tablespoons fresh sage, chopped
    (you can substitute fresh rosemary)
  • 2 tablespoons flavorless, high-temperature oil
    (such as canola oil or corn oil)
  • ½ cup popcorn kernels (preferably organic)
  • Salt
  • A large, preferably heavy, pot with lid

Sage Plant

Grow fresh sage in a window box. You’ll always have two tablespoons to crumble into your popcorn. Photo by Nic Neish | IST.


  1. Add the oil to the pot over medium heat. Lightly salt the oil. You can add more salt to taste after the corn is popped.
  2. Toss 3-4 kernels of corn into the pot and cover it. When the kernels of corn have popped, the oil is heated enough to start.
  3. Add the rest of your popcorn in an even layer, plus the sage. Cover the pot and shake it to coat the popcorn with oil.
  4. Continue to cook, covered, and shake the pot every 20-30 seconds until the popping slows to several seconds between pops. Remove the pot from the heat and immediately pour the popcorn into a wide bowl.
  5. If you are adding butter, melt it in the microwave; then toss over kernels to coat. If you are planning to add more salted butter is a better way to coat the kernels than a salt shaker. You may prefer a flavored oil, such as truffle oil, to butter. See #6, below.
  6. Taste and adjust the salt. At this point, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of truffle oil, melted butter or additional flavors (grated Grana Padano or Parmesan cheese or other favorite seasonings).

Popping Tips

  • Use fresh kernels; older kernels lose their moisture and are less likely to pop into fluffy, crunchy popcorn. (Popability depends on water: As the kernel heats up, the water inside it releases steam, putting more and more pressure on the shell until it explodes.) You can rejuvenate old kernels by putting them in a jar with a little water. Cover and shake occasionally until all the water is absorbed. In two to four days they should be ready for popping.
  • If the lid on the pot has a very tight seal, the steam released by the kernels cannot escape and the popcorn will be less crisp. In this case, set the lid very slightly ajar, or lift the lid a few times during popping to let the steam out. The popcorn will be drier and crisper.

What flavor of water should you enjoy with your sage popcorn? Any one of them!

— Karen Hochman


Cinnamon Orange Peel, Clove Cardamom Cinnamon, Ginger Lemon Peel, Lavender Mint Lemongrass Thyme, Lemongrass Mint Vanilla and Lemon Verbena Geranium.

  • 16-Ounce Bottle
    Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price
    $1.59 - $1.99
  • 12-Bottle Case Online
    Including Shipping & Handling

Purchase cases online* at

*Prices and product availability are verified at publication but are subject to change. Shipping is additional. These items are offered by a third party and THE NIBBLE has no relationship with them. Purchase information is provided as a reader convenience.

Ayala's Herbal Water
Three of Ayala’s six herbal waters: Clove Cardamom Cinnamon, Cinnamon Orange Peel.


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