
How many different types of eggs are there? You’d be surprised! Check ‘em out in our Glossary Of Egg Types. Photo by Peter Rol |SXC. |
THE NIBBLE does not sell the foods we review or receive fees from manufacturers for featuring them. Our recommendations are based purely on our opinion, after tasting thousands of products each year, that they represent the best in their respective categories.
Comments Or Suggestions? We look forward to your thoughts about how we can make THE NIBBLE more valuable to you. |
January is health month at THE NIBBLE: healthier foods to compensate for that rich eating from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve... and to “save up” for Valentine sweets. But there are so many fascinating things to learn (and eat)—like all of the different types of eggs and limes. We love a squeeze of lime over vegetables, in sparkling water and other beverages, and especially over salads (try a dressing made of three parts olive oil and two parts fresh-squeezed lime juice. But just because we’re not focusing on carbs this month doesn’t mean that you have to avoid them. Check out the January Food Holidays list, and you’ll find something to celebrate almost every day. Also check out McCormick’s Flavor Trends For 2009, with gorgeous recipes, in the red box at the left. You and your friends can experience them all, in two fabulous tasting dinners (or one enormous 10-course dinner with cocktails) to celebrate the new year! It is still “healthy” if you have very small portions of everything. The key is to enjoy without excess. If you’ve been caught up in the bottled water controversy, read Water Editor Michael Mascha’s explanation of the two types of bottled water, and why you should consider buying one and not the other. Here’s to a healthy New Year!
Content is added daily—check back to see what’s new.
Our Table of Contents begins with favorite articles from our archives that celebrate the month’s food holidays or special events. The current month’s articles follow; projected publication dates are provided. Foods that are kosher [K], organic [O], sugar free [SF], etc. are coded. See the full list of codes at the bottom of this Table of Contents.
Celebrate National Egg Month
Celebrate National Hot Tea Month
Celebrate National Meat Month
Celebrate National Oatmeal Month
Cornucopia Of Healthy Specialty Foods
Find more than 1000 articles and reviews in prior months’ issues and newsletter archives (top picks of the week). |
Top Picks Of The Week
*Of the thousands of specialty foods we taste each year, these 52 weekly recommendations are our favorites for both home use and gift-giving. Don’t miss them!
Kitchen Gadgets
Food Fun
Special Sweets

Drink Up

See All of Our Beverages, Beer, Wine & Spirits |
Products With These Properties Are Coded:
- [K] Kosher Product (see Kosher Nibbles for more kosher products)
- [NC] No Calorie, [LC] Low Calorie, [SF] Sugar Free, [FF] Fat Free, [WF] Wheat Free, [GF] Gluten Free (see Diet Nibbles for more products like this)
- [O] Organic, [FT] Fair Trade, [N] Nutritious/Healthy (see NutriNibbles for more products like these)
- [TP] Top Pick Of The Week
- [WG] Whole Grain