
Salami Piccante, also known as salame calabrese (it originated in the Calabria region of Italy), is one of the seven varieties of salami handmade by Creminelli. It is flavored with paprika and hot chiles. Photo by Tyler Lynch. |
WHAT IT IS: Authentic, handmade Italian salami and sausages. |
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: Recipes and techniques dating back hundreds of years, made in Seattle by a master artisan from Italy. |
WHY WE LOVE IT: The pork is exceptional and the recipes and craftsmanship are enough to make any meat lover ecstatic. |
WHERE TO BUY IT: Buy Online Here. |

Creminelli Fine Meat: Super Salami & Sausage
CAPSULE REPORT: One of the standouts of the year for us has been the handmade salami and sausage from Creminelli Fine Meat of Seattle. Shoppers at Pike Place Market already know how special these products are. They are carried by fine food stores nationwide, although not necessarily identified as Creminelli. It’s time for the rest of America to learn the name and demand this delicious line of specialty meats.
The Creminelli family has been producing artisan meat products in Italy since the 1600s, according to family lore. But more recently, in 2007, master artisan Cristiano Creminelli brought the family’s recipes and techniques to America. The pork-based salami and sausages will be a revelation to Americans for whom Old World artisan traditions have long since disappeared. If you have enjoyed fine charcuterie in Italy and long to return to taste them again, they are now ready to visit you, via express delivery (or your local retailer).
All of the Creminelli meats are handmade with choice cuts from select pig breeds raised on small family farms and fed with organic white grains. You can taste the difference—even the fat in the well-marbled pork tastes exceptional. Organic spices complement the beautiful flavor of the natural pork without getting in the way of it. You know you are eating recipes made with skills passed down from generation to generation.
Certain products are simply not to be missed: the truffle salami, made with real truffles, and the Piemonte sausage, redolent of fresh rosemary, are two we don’t want to be without again. Pair them with the simplest foods—bread, cheese, pasta—and fireworks begin. But there’s much, much more to revel in here. Read the full review below.
THE NIBBLE does not sell the foods we review
or receive fees from manufacturers for recommending them.
Our recommendations are based purely on our opinion, after tasting thousands of products each year, that they represent the best in their respective categories. |
More Marvelous Meat
Learn About French Sausage. Take a look at the many different types of French sausage. The only better thing than reading about them is tasting all of them! |
Heritage Meats. Read how small farmers are bringing back rare (and superior-tasting) breeds of cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry and other animals. Duroc pig from Good Farm. |
Organic Versus Natural Meat. Does it make a difference which type of meat you buy? Does one taste better than the other? Follow this discussion and decide for yourself. |
Creminelli Fine Meat: Super Salami & Sausage
This is Page 1 of a three-page article. Click on the black links to visit other pages.
Introduction To Creminelli Fine Meats
“Go West, young man, and grow up with the country,” advised John B. L. Soule. Aha—you thought it was Horace Greeley, but the quote first appeared as the title to an 1851 editorial in the Terre Haute Express penned by Mr. Soule. Mr. Greeley, who founded the New York Tribune, borrowed the first part of the quote in one of his own editorials, in 1865, and has been credited with it ever since.
Although we’re here to discuss artisan meats, there wouldn’t be a Top Pick Of The Week if master artisan Cristiano Creminelli hadn’t decided to go West and bring his family’s artisan salami and sausages to America.
While the country may be pretty much grown physically, the appetite for fine foods has been on a tear. Mr. Creminelli wisely found a great foodie city, Seattle, with a food market mobbed by locals and tourists alike, to establish the New World outpost for Creminelli Fine Meat. |

Instant comfort food: risotto, sundried tomato and Creminelli Porcini Sausage.
If you’ve dined your way through Italy, you know how special the cuisine is. (We think the Italians are more passionate about their food than the French are.) Now, you can taste passion in handmade salami and sausage. These are products for connoisseur taste buds that yearn to be caressed with intense flavors, that find freshness in products that have been cured. Benvenuto in America, Cristiano Creminelli.
Explore the salami and sausages beginning on the next page, and learn why Americans erroneously ask for a salami when they should be requesting a salame.
—Karen Hochman
Continue To Page 2: Super Salami
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