Editorial Director Karen Hochman and Contributing Editors Rowann Gilman and Ruth Katz convene for field research at Blue Hill at Stone Barns. A fine restaurant on the grounds of the Rockefeller estate in Pocantico Hills, NY, Blue Hill at Stone Barns raises its own organic produce and poultry conducts classes and symposia, and has a weekly farmer’s market.
THE NIBBLE Specialty Food Magazine
About Us
Our History
THE NIBBLE was born of the need to know.
In New York City—arguably the food capital of America, with hundreds of specialty food stores, more than 30 food-specific newsstand magazines, the eagerly sought Wednesday “Marketplace” food section of The New York Times, and the entire Internet at our disposal—there was no source of information about specialty foods. It was hunt and peck: choose something from the shelf and hope it was good.
This is what we learned, after years of intrepid searching...after buying everything on every shelf...after reading every trade and consumer news source...after tasting our way through many food industry shows:
- We know that high price and beautiful packaging do not necessarily equal the finest quality; and not every product carried by the “best” stores is the best of breed.
- Many superior products never make it onto the shelves at all, because they are made by small producers who don’t have the time or money to market to big city stores.
- Yes, there are some very fine products in your local markets; but there are others you must click to, or phone for. And unless someone tells you about them, you probably will never find them.
We began to e-mail our favorite product “finds” to our foodie friends several years ago. Those e-mails grew into THE NIBBLE newsletter; and many nibbles later, the newsletter begat this online magazine, which publishes a 200-page issue every month. We still e-mail the Top Pick newsletter each week: Click here to sign up for a free subscription.
Our Mission
THE NIBBLE began with a four-fold mission:
To enable fine food enthusiasts to explore the world of highest-quality, artisanally-produced foods and beverages.
To find and introduce the very best of these products to you.*
To support the smaller producers whose craftsmanship and dedication create them.
To support the Slow Food Movement, which encourages traditional methods of food production that preserve the world’s quality culinary and wine heritage.
When we launched this website and had much more space, we expanded our product coverage:
- To include the best accoutrements—tableware, linens, and kitchenwares that make serving fine food an even greater pleasure.
- To provide a fully integrated experience by pointing out other food-themed items —whether a still life of figs for the walls, or fig room spray, hand creme or dish detergent.
Our vision is to create a comprehensive foodie destination—one that informs and educates, raises awareness, encourages participation, and helps those artisans, tabletop and other designers, entrepreneurs and manufacturers who work so hard to provide us with so much enjoyment.
We are excited to share our journey with you.

*We taste thousands of products a year. The products that we think are most special for both oneself and for gifts are emailed each week to opt-in subscribers to THE NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week. Past issues are archived on this website. Click here to read them. An understanding of how products are selected for THE NIBBLE can be found in our Letters to the Editor section.
Hundreds of other products we think are special are reviewed in the Product Reviews section of the website. General-interest products are grouped under Main Nibbles. Diet Nibbles, Kosher Nibbles and NutriNibbles are in dedicated sections.