Top Pick Of The Week

January 25, 2011


Low Fat Donuts

Filled coconut donuts are the #1 seller, and we concur. Photo by River Soma | THE NIBBLE.

WHAT IT IS: Cinnamon buns and donuts with substantially less fat than the most popular national brands.
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: It’s the only low fat gourmet donut line we’ve come across.
WHY WE LOVE IT: All of the pleasure, none of the guilt.

.Holey Donuts!
Page 2: Low Fat Donuts, Donut Holes & Cinnamon Buns

Go Bananas For Low Fat Donuts

These lower-calorie donuts are made with no artificial sweeteners or fat substitutes; and of course there are no trans fats. Yet nothing about them says “low fat” or “reduced calorie.”

All of the products are handmade. The donuts, donut holes and cinnamon buns are flash frozen right after they come off the line. They arrive at your home or office frozen and can be stored for weeks in the freezer.

Our bet is that you’ll spend so much time showing them off to friends and neighbors, that whatever quantity you order will quickly disappear.

You can thaw a donut in a hour or two—or microwave one in seconds—any time that you need a treat.

While most of the donuts are “jumbo size” (three to four inches in diameter), there are donut holes (regular and filled) and half-size cinnamon buns.

The Secret

Holey Donuts! uses the same high-quality ingredients as a gourmet donut, but with greatly reduced fat content. Detailed ingredients for each flavor can be found on the company website.

The secret to this happy line is a unique cooking process that avoids deep frying. It takes 22 steps to create each donut.


A Plenitude Of Choices

The only challenge to enjoying Holey Donuts! products is: what to enjoy first?

You may be tempted by the classics—classic vanilla frosted donuts, glazed donuts, powdered sugar donuts and sugar and spice (cinnamon) donuts, for example.

They look yummy and are perfectly tasty, but they aren’t our passionate favorites from this collection.

Find out what the winners are below.


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And The Low Fat Donut Winners Are...

The Number One Donut

The company’s top-seller is Coconut Cream Pie, a donut filled with Bavarian cream and topped with shredded coconut. We give it the thumbs up.

Lemon lovers that we are, we also must embrace the other two of the fraternal triplets: Coconut Lemon Pie, filled with lemon cream; and Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie. The tally for one of these big, fluffy donuts: just 209 calories and 4g fat.

Super Cinnamon Buns

We also went gaga over the cinnamon buns. A nice bonus here is that you don’t even have to face down the “jumbo” size. The company sells the Cinnamon Bun Middles—shown in the photo—essentially the center portion of the bun, at just 100 calories each. (They’re also available in Blueberry Vanilla—another flavor we’ll try with our next order.)

We didn’t get to sampling the filled donut holes this time around. They’ll also be on our next order.

  Low Fat Cinnamon Buns
Low fat cinnamon buns are another hit from Holey Donuts! Above, the 100-calorie Cinnamon Bun Middles. Photo by River Soma | THE NIBBLE.

Low Fat Versus Reduced Fat

Holey Donuts! also makes reduced fat donuts. What’s the difference between low fat and reduced fat?

The USDA requires that a product labeled “low fat” must contain 3g of fat or less per serving; fat must comprise 30% or less of the total calories/serving.

Reduced fat does not mean low fat; it simply means that the product contains 25% less fat than the original version. For example, if the original donut has 20g of fat, a reduced fat donut could have 15g of fat. However, the reduced fat donut has five times more fat than the 3g specified by the USDA.

–Karen Hochman

Order your donuts at

There’s a minimum order of 3 boxes, but that’s oh so easy a command.


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