Top Pick Of The Week

September 20, 2011


Popchips Barbeque Potato Chips

Which of the eight Popchips flavors did we prefer?  We loved them all, but the bag of Barbeque Popchips emptied first. Photography by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE. Unbreakable bowl from Zak! Designs.

WHAT IT IS: A lower fat, super tasty, super crunchy potato chip: all-natural, non-GMO, kosher and gluten-free.
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: Pieces of whole potatoes are popped—not unlike popcorn is popped—into round, flat, crunchy chips.
WHY WE LOVE IT: All of the flavor, less than half of the fat, more chips per serving and no greasy fingers!
WHERE TO BUY IT: At retailers nationwide (see store locator) or online at or

A selection of Popchips flavors.


Popchips: The Next Generation Potato Chips

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CAPSULE REPORT: Popchips were the solution to a problem: how chip lovers could eat healthier without sacrificing flavor.

Yes, there were baked potato chips, but they paled in flavor in comparison to conventional fried chips.

So chip lover and entrepreneur Keith Belling—who didn’t want to be seen in public enjoying “junk food”—went in search of the solution. He sought the “next generation” of potato chips, beyond greasy fried chips and boring baked chips.

The result: Popchips, all-natural chips that have fewer calories and less fat, with no compromise in flavor. We first discovered them at a natural foods show in 2007, and it was love at first bite. Retailers and consumers agreed.

The line has evolved since then (see our original review) and just added its newest flavor, Jalapeño Popchips. The hip, fun snack now comes in eight of America’s favorite flavors:

  • Original Popchips
  • Barbeque Popchips
  • Cheddar Popchips
  • Jalapeño Popchips
  • Parmesan & Garlic Popchips
  • Salt & Pepper Popchips
  • Sea Salt & Vinegar Popchips
  • Sour Cream & Onion Popchips

We can’t decide on our favorite flavor; all are equally rockin’. But at our tasting, the Barbeque Popchips bag emptied first.

Healthier Potato Chips

While everyone is looking for a “healthy” potato chip, what you actually get is a healthier chip. Popchips have all the flavor of conventional fried chips and less than half the fat (most flavors have 0g saturated fat and all have 0g trans fat).

No oil is used in the popping process, but some is needed to adhere the seasonings to the chips (Popchips uses non-hydrogenated, non-GMO sunflower, safflower and/or canola oil for seasoning).

Plus, there are more chips and fewer calories per one-ounce serving:*

  • Popchips: 23 chips, 120 calories
  • Lay’s Original: 15 chips, 160 calories
  • Lay’s Baked: 15 chips, 120 calories

*Information from manufacturers’ websites based on plain/original flavor.

How Do You Pop A Potato Chip?

Instead of starting with raw sliced potatoes like conventional potato chips, the Popchips technique turns potatoes into kernels (think corn kernels or grains of rice). Add heat and pressure, and pop it’s a chip.

And the bonus: No greasy fingers!

The all-natural line is gluten-free, non-GMO and certified kosher by KOF-K.

—Karen Hochman

Head to the index below to see what page you’d like to visit next. How about the History of Potato Chips (invented in Saratoga, New York).


More Chip Fun

Saratoga Potato Chips. Using the original potato chip recipe and packaging, two entrepreneurs have brought the original chip back to market after a 90-year hiatus. And they're delicious! More information.

Potato Chips Cookbook: 101 Recipes with Potato Chips. Add chips to Chicken Crunch Salad, Summer Squash Bake, BBQ Pork Chops, Baked Chicken Nuggets, Chocolate-Covered Potato Chips & much more. More information.

Dips For Chips. With the fat savings from Popchips, you can enjoy a delicious dip with your chips. These dips from Saratoga Chips come in 8 flavors, from Onion to BLT, Horseradish and Lobster. More information.


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