“Un” Fried Brown Rice transforms a family favorite with heart-healthy whole grains. All photography by Katharine Pollak | THE NIBBLE. Bowl from Zak! Designs. |
WHAT IT IS: Frozen whole grain rice and quinoa mixes, ready in 45 seconds. |
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: In just 45 seconds, the cryogenic freezing process yields whole grains that taste like they’ve been cooking for an hour. |
WHY WE LOVE IT: Now we can have whole grains every day, for meals and snacks. It’s a great way to get our 48g of whole grains daily. |
WHERE TO BUY IT: VillageHarvestRice.com. |
Village Harvest: Delicious Whole Grains In 45 Seconds
CAPSULE REPORT: Village Harvest is “graining fans” with its frozen whole-grain rice mixes. They make eating healthy whole grains as easy as 1-2-3—or 45 seconds in the microwave. And the whole grains taste great!
There are plenty of reasons why you should switch to whole grains (digestive fiber, phytonutrients, anti-obesity—see details). But cooking whole grains from scratch is one of the more time-consuming kitchen tasks.
Now, when you walk through the door, just reach into the freezer for a pouch of pourable whole grains from Village Harvest. Measure out what you need and press Start on the microwave. The whole grains will be ready before anything else you prepare. When it comes to eating healthy whole grains, it takes a Village Harvest to make it this easy.
Choices include Brown Rice; Brown, Red, Wild Rice Medley; Quinoa; “Un” Fried Brown Rice; and Spicy Thai Brown Rice.
While each is ready-to-eat from the microwave, you can change them up with different garnishes—herbs, grated cheese or a small dice of tomato, for example. Or add grilled veggies, sliced meats, hard-cooked eggs or tofu to convert a side into a main dish.
Read the full review below—and if you haven’t yet begun your New Year’s resolution to eat healthier, here’s your chance. No one has to know that you started in May.
- Find reviews of more of our grains.
THE NIBBLE does not sell the foods we review
or receive fees from manufacturers for recommending them.
Our recommendations are based purely on our opinion, after tasting thousands of products each year, that they represent the best in their respective categories. |
More Whole Grain Top Picks
This is Page 1 of a two-page review. Click on the black links below to visit other pages:
Village Harvest : Whole Grains In 45 Seconds
Village Harvest Overview
Village Harvest’s parent company, Otis McAlister, has been in the grains business since 1892. That’s long before the days of processed food. People bought grains and vegetables and cooked from scratch.
But the company recognized that today’s lifestyle often means heat and eat. And often what’s heated and eaten is over-processed and over-salted (and -sugared).
So they cook healthy whole grains for us—brown rice, wild rice, quinoa and mixtures. They use cryogenic technology to freeze the cooked grains at -300°F. (Other frozen food products typically bottom out at -40°F.) And all we need to do is microwave them for 45 seconds.
There’s nothing frozen-tasting or microwaved about these gorgeous whole grains. They are in a class of their own. Everyone will be delighted to down them.
Take a closer look at the different varieties of frozen, “pourable” whole grains (you pour out what you need) on the next page; then get some and get to healthy feasting.
—Karen Hochman

From top, clockwise: Red Quinoa; “Un”-Fried Rice; and Brown Rice, Red Rice, Wild Rice Medley.
Continue To Page 2: Varieties Of “Pourable” Frozen Whole Grains
Go To The Article Index Above
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