Top Pick Of The Week

August 23, 2011


Skillet Bacon Spread

Skillet Bacon Spread on flatbread, topped with miniature bell pepper slices. Check out the next page for more serving suggestions. Photography by Jaclyn Nussbaum | THE NIBBLE.

WHAT IT IS: A spread made from premium cooked bacon.
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: It’s the first commercial bacon spread we’ve come across (our own bacon jam recipe is on Page 3).
WHY WE LOVE IT: Woo hoo: another way to enjoy bacon!



Skillet Bacon Spread (Bacon Jam): Buy It Or Make It!

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CAPSULE REPORT: THE NIBBLE’s Chef Eric, whose favorite food group is all things pork, has been making bacon jam for us for the past two years. He invented it as a new way to enjoy bacon.

It’s  easily addictive, and we clamored for it at every meal. But chefs like to do new and different things, so we jammed on bacon infrequently.

Then we discovered that someone else had the same idea. Chef Josh Henderson, proprietor of Skillet Street Food, went into commercial production with his bacon spread, so that everybody has the opportunity to dig in.

Skillet Street Food’s condiment was originally called bacon jam. But too many people thought it was sweet, like fruit jam, so it’s now called bacon spread.

Like our own chef’s recipe, Skillet Street Food uses Niman Ranch uncured bacon, with no added nitrites or nitrates. The bacon is rendered down in a skillet along with onions, balsamic vinegar and seasonings. The result: a savory condiment that’s smoky and tangy with a sweet note from the balsamic vinegar.

While Chef Eric’s chunky-style recipe ends there, the folks at Skillet Street Food simmer the mix for six hours so that it’s easily spreadable in a thin layer.

What can you do with spreadable bacon? Let your imagination run wild—but also make sure to check out the ideas on the next page.

And put Skillet Bacon Spread on your list of stocking stuffers and other small gifts. While it’s hot and sunny today, you-know-what is coming soon.

If you get to Seattle, look for Skillet Street Food’s roving food truck or visit their diner in the Capital Hill neighborhood. Get the details at

Head to the index below to see what page you’d like to visit next.

And yes, we’ve included Chef Eric’s recipe if you want to make your own!

Skillet Bacon Spread


Fry Up The Bacon With These Cookbooks

The Bacon Cookbook by James Villas Everything Tastes Better With Bacon by Sara  Perry 101 Things To Do With Bacon by Eliza Cross

The Bacon Cookbook: More than 150 Recipes from Around the World for Everyone’s Favorite Food, by James Villas. A bacon recipe each day for five months! More information.

Everything Tastes Better With Bacon, by Sara Perry. Seventy more ways to cook all types of bacon, from American and Canadian bacon to Italian pancetta. More information.

101 Things To Do With Bacon, by Eliza Cross. With all three books, you'll have almost a year of daily bacon recipes. This author founded the bacon enthusiast society BENSA. More information.


This is Page 1 of a four-page article. Click on the black links to visit other pages:


More Bacon Recipes

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