Pudding Season begins on October first. Start it off with this delicious butterscotch pudding recipe from chocolatier Michael Recchiuti. Photo by Duard van der Westhuizen | IST.
Last Updated March 2025
National Food Holidays: October
And You Thought Halloween Was The Big Event!
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As the days get shorter, you won’t even notice...you’ll be too busy planning parties to celebrate these momentous occasions. Some enable entire month-long festivities:
If you’re only looking for a week-long festivity, then select from:
Day-long festivities:
- National Dessert Day, the second Thursday of October
- National Whole Hog Barbecue Day, third Saturday
- National Sweetest Day, third Saturday
- Global Champagne Day, the fourth Friday of October
- National Breadstick Day, the last Friday in October
The rest of October’s line-up includes:

October 4th is National Taco Day. Make these delicious braised beef tacos with mole sauce. Photo courtesy McCormick. |

October 17th is National Pasta Day, Treat yourself to some Fettuccine Alfredo. Here’s the recipe. |

October 18th is National Chocolate Cupcake Day. Here’s a recipe for dark chocolate cupcakes. |
*National Beer Day is April 7th. American Craft Beer Week is the third week in May. National IPA Day is the first Thursday in August. International Beer Day is the first Friday in August. American Beer Day is October 27th. Here are more beer holidays.
**National Smoothie Day is June 21st.
***You’ve got to give some people credit for coming up with these holidays. This one recognizes the terror of coming across old, moldy food in the fridge. October 30 is variously called other names, depending on the region: Cabbage Night, Devil’s Night, Gate Night, Goosey Night, Mat Night (from a Quebec tradition of stealing door mats), Mischief Night, Mystery Night, and Night Of The Devil. So among these terrors, take some time to investigate any lurking dangers lying in wait at the back of your fridge.
‡January 25th is National Fish Taco Day, March 21st is National Crunchy Taco Day, March 31st is Día del Taco (in Mexico), and October 4th is National Taco Day. Not to mention Taco Tuesdays.
‡‡National Eat Your Noodles Day is March 11th.
†May 5th is National Hoagie Day. November 4th is National Submarine Sandwich Day. And someone decided that we needed a National Eat A Hoagie Day on September 14th and Submarine-Hoagie-Grinder Day on October 9th.
††January 22nd is National Southern Food Day.
†††National Gin & Tonic Day is April 19th, and International Gin & Tonic Day is October 19th. World Gin Day is June 15th.
‡You may also find mention of a National Rhizomes & Persimmons Month. Some people like to initiate weird holidays for their amusement. We think this is one of them, and not a real, i.e. registered, holiday. A persimmon is not a rhizome, but a tree fruit. It is a fruit from the Diospyros tree, classified as a berry. A rhizome is a completely different classification, a horizontal underground stem that sends out shoots to produce new plants. Examples of rhizomes are arrowroot, bamboo, ginger, lotus root, taro, turmeric, wild yams, numerous flowers and ferns, and—surprise—bananas!